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ట్వీట్​ రేస్​లో విన్నర్ 'భారత్ - పాక్​ మ్యాచ్'

ప్రపంచకప్​ జరుగుతుండగా ట్విట్టర్​ హోరెత్తింది. లక్షల్లో ట్వీట్లు పోటెత్తాయి. అయితే... ఫైనల్​ మ్యాచ్​ కంటే అత్యధికంగా భారత్​ - పాక్ మ్యాచ్​ కోసం 29 లక్షల పోస్ట్​లు చేశారు క్రికెట్ ప్రియులు. 2015 కంటే ఈ మెగాటోర్నీలో వంద శాతం అధికంగా ట్వీట్లు పోస్టయ్యాయి.

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Published : Jul 17, 2019, 11:48 AM IST

భారత్ - పాక్​ మ్యాచ్​కు ఎక్కవ ట్వీట్లు

2019 వరల్డ్​కప్​లో సామాజిక మాధ్యమాలు అభిమానులకు వారధులుగా మారాయి. ​భారత్ - పాకిస్థాన్ మ్యాచ్ కు సంబంధించి 29 లక్షల ట్వీట్లు చేశారు అభిమానులు. అత్యధిక ట్వీట్లు అందుకున్న వన్డేగా రికార్డు సృష్టించిందీ మ్యాచ్​. తరువాత స్థానంలో ఇంగ్లాండ్ - న్యూజిలాండ్ ఫైనల్ మ్యాచ్​ ఉండగా.. మూడో స్థానంలోని భారత్ - కివీస్ సెమీస్ మ్యాచ్​లో ఎక్కువ ట్వీట్లు నమోదయ్యాయని ట్విట్టర్ సంస్థ తెలిపింది.

మే 20 నుంచి జులై 15 వరకు 3 కోట్లుపైగా ట్వీట్లు చేశారని, 2015 తో పోల్చితే ఈ వరల్డ్ కప్ లో పోస్ట్​లు 100 శాతం పెరిగాయని తెలిపింది ట్విట్టర్​.

టీమిండియాపై, మాజీ కెప్టెన్ ఎంఎస్ ధోనీపై అత్యధిక ట్వీట్లు రావడం విశేషం. కెప్టెన్లలో విరాట్ కోహ్లీ(భారత్), సర్ఫరాజ్ అహ్మద్ (పాకిస్థాన్), కేన్ విలియమ్సన్ (న్యూజిలాండ్), ఇయాన్ మోర్గాన్ (ఇంగ్లాండ్), అరోన్ ఫించ్ (ఆస్ట్రేలియా)పై విపరీతంగా ట్వీట్ లు వచ్చాయి.

87 ఏళ్ల టీమిండియా అభిమాని చారులత పటేల్​పై కోహ్లీ చేసిన ట్వీట్​కు 3.76 లక్షలకు పైగా లైక్‌లు, 43,000 కంటే ఎక్కువ రీ-ట్వీట్‌లు వచ్చాయి.

ఇది చదవండి: ప్రభాస్​ 'సాహో' విడుదల మరింత ఆలస్యం!

2019 వరల్డ్​కప్​లో సామాజిక మాధ్యమాలు అభిమానులకు వారధులుగా మారాయి. ​భారత్ - పాకిస్థాన్ మ్యాచ్ కు సంబంధించి 29 లక్షల ట్వీట్లు చేశారు అభిమానులు. అత్యధిక ట్వీట్లు అందుకున్న వన్డేగా రికార్డు సృష్టించిందీ మ్యాచ్​. తరువాత స్థానంలో ఇంగ్లాండ్ - న్యూజిలాండ్ ఫైనల్ మ్యాచ్​ ఉండగా.. మూడో స్థానంలోని భారత్ - కివీస్ సెమీస్ మ్యాచ్​లో ఎక్కువ ట్వీట్లు నమోదయ్యాయని ట్విట్టర్ సంస్థ తెలిపింది.

మే 20 నుంచి జులై 15 వరకు 3 కోట్లుపైగా ట్వీట్లు చేశారని, 2015 తో పోల్చితే ఈ వరల్డ్ కప్ లో పోస్ట్​లు 100 శాతం పెరిగాయని తెలిపింది ట్విట్టర్​.

టీమిండియాపై, మాజీ కెప్టెన్ ఎంఎస్ ధోనీపై అత్యధిక ట్వీట్లు రావడం విశేషం. కెప్టెన్లలో విరాట్ కోహ్లీ(భారత్), సర్ఫరాజ్ అహ్మద్ (పాకిస్థాన్), కేన్ విలియమ్సన్ (న్యూజిలాండ్), ఇయాన్ మోర్గాన్ (ఇంగ్లాండ్), అరోన్ ఫించ్ (ఆస్ట్రేలియా)పై విపరీతంగా ట్వీట్ లు వచ్చాయి.

87 ఏళ్ల టీమిండియా అభిమాని చారులత పటేల్​పై కోహ్లీ చేసిన ట్వీట్​కు 3.76 లక్షలకు పైగా లైక్‌లు, 43,000 కంటే ఎక్కువ రీ-ట్వీట్‌లు వచ్చాయి.

ఇది చదవండి: ప్రభాస్​ 'సాహో' విడుదల మరింత ఆలస్యం!

Tel Aviv, Israel - 10 April 2019
1. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and wife Sara on stage, UPSOUND (Hebrew) "Thank you very much", fireworks and confetti released, Netanyahu kisses Sara
2. Close of crowd of supporters
Tel Aviv, Israel - 10 April 2019
3. Netanyahu and wife Sara on stage with party officials
Tel Aviv, Israel - 10 April 2019
4. Zoom in on Netanyahu and wife Sara on stage with party officials
ARCHIVE: New York - 23 September 1986
5. STILL of Israeli politician Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations
ARCHIVE: Madrid, Spain - 30 October 1991
6. STILL of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir with Benjamin Netanyahu, then member of Israel delegation, at the start of Mideast Peace conference
Tel Aviv, Israel - 8 July 2019
7. Aviv Bushinsky, a former Benjamin Netanyahu aide, sitting at his desk speaking on phone
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Aviv Bushinsky, former Benjamin Netanyahu aide:
"He's here to stay, and he wants to stay. And sometimes I'm asking myself, 'why?' He can do very good things aside of being prime minister, but that's what he wants to do. He thinks - maybe he's right, maybe he's wrong - but he thinks that he is the right guy in the right place, that he is the one who will save Israel and lead Israel to a safe haven. That's how he thinks and that's what drives him."
Jerusalem - 8 April 2019
9. Netanyahu and wife Sara surrounded by crowds at Mahne Yehuda market in central Jerusalem, a day before general elections
Jerusalem - 1 April 2019
10. Various of elections banners picturing Netanyahu
Jerusalem - 28 February 2019
11. Netanyahu walking to podium for news conference
12. SOUNDBITE (Hebrew) Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister:
"I tell you the citizens of Israel, this house of cards will collapse. I am absolutely certain of that. I am certain of it 4,000 percent. I plan on serving you and the state as prime minister for many years."
Jerusalem - 14 April 2019
13. Close of book cover "Bibi - The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu" by Anshel Pfeffer
14. SOUNDBITE (English) Anshel Pfeffer, author of "Bibi - The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu":
"(Benjamin) Netanyahu doesn't see any of the things he's done as being illegal. He sees the gifts he's received and the favourable coverage he wanted to receive from the media as things that he deserves. And therefore when the attorney general and the prosecutors say that there is a base here for a bribery and corruption case, he just can't conceive it that way. He thinks that, if he received valuable gifts of champagne and cigars and gifts for his wife, he thinks that that's totally legitimate."
15. Close of Pfeffer
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Anshel Pfeffer, author of "Bibi - The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu":
"(Benjamin) Netanyahu hasn't got a tangible legacy in the sense that in his period in office there hasn't been any big breakthroughs, no diplomatic breakthroughs towards peace, no big wars, no big changes in Israeli society or in Israel's relations with its neighbours. So you can't talk of a Netanyahu legacy by pointing at one thing. But what we have seen in Netanyahu's years in office is a much more gradual shift towards taking the Palestinian issue off the agenda, Israel quietly but constantly warming its relations with the major Arab Sunni states, who are also much more agreeable towards taking the Palestinian issue, not focusing on the Palestinian issue anymore, which was something that they did in the past and which was more of an obstacle for these relationships, and a focusing of Israel and the major Arab states on Iran as the major regional threat. And these are things that Netanyahu has pushed for over the last decade and even before that very effectively."
ARCHIVE: Jerusalem - 30 September 2016
17. Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas shaking hands and speaking at the funeral of Shimon Peres. Abbas then shakes hands and speaks to Sara Netanyahu
Ramallah, West Bank - 10 July 2019
18. Palestinian legislative council member Hanan Ashrawi
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Hanan Ashrawi, Palestinian Legislative Council member:
"I think (Benjamin) Netanyahu can be, I don't want to say signal-handedly, but I would say, most significantly, will be remembered as the person who managed to destroy the chances of peace and to plunge the whole region into a new era of extremism, of confrontations, of violence and instability, because he speaks only the language of power, of domination, of oppression. And at the same time his only commitment is to his own career, his own position in Israel rather than to anything having to do with peace."
20. Ashrawi in her office
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Hanan Ashrawi, Palestinian Legislative Council member:
"Netanyahu actually is not different, but he has taken to extremes all the negative characteristics of all previous prime ministers, in the sense that he has adopted a policy of racism, of exclusion, he has exploited the biblical ideology in order to create that on the ground. He has total disrespect for human rights, and he has total disdain for international law. He's somebody who exhibits all the components and attitudes of a fascist, individualistic leader, and at the same time he has destroyed, systematically, the chances of peace."
Ramat Gan, Israel - 4 March 2019
22. Netanyahu on stage at Likud party event, crowd chanting "Bibi, Bibi"
Tel Aviv, Israel - 8 July 2019
23. SOUNDBITE (English) Aviv Bushinsky, a former Benjamin Netanyahu aide:
"I think Netanyahu first of all is the number one marketer in Israel and also as a great advocate for Israel outside Israel. And the way he does it is always he tries to polarise the society. It's us against the others, it's Israel against Iran. It's the Israelis that think this way, the right wingers, against all the left, and they're conducting in a way a smearing campaign against the left saying 'the left they are not loyal to the country, they have a berserk approach, they know nothing about keeping the country here safe.' Netanyahu is managing to do it. "
Tel Aviv, Israel - 10 April 2019
24. Various of Netanyahu, his wife Sara and party officials on stage at Likud rally
Benjamin Netanyahu is set to become Israel's longest-serving prime minister, solidifying his place as the country's greatest political survivor and the most dominant force in Israeli politics in his generation.
Netanyahu has persevered through scandals, crises and conflicts, winning election after election even as the country grows more bitterly polarised.
His supporters credit him with keeping Israel safe and prosperous, maintaining its Jewish character and boosting its standing internationally.
His opponents claim he has dashed hopes for peace with the Palestinians, torn society apart with vicious attacks on minority Arabs and left-wing opponents, and infused politics with a culture of corruption.
But as the longevity of his 13-year rule surpasses that of founding father David Ben-Gurion on July 20, all agree Netanyahu has left a permanent imprint on Israel.
"He thinks that he is the right guy in the right place. That he is the one who will save Israel and lead Israel to a safe haven," said Aviv Bushinsky, a former Netanyahu aide.
Just as he is set to cross a milestone, Netanyahu faces perhaps his greatest political challenge yet.
After failing to form a parliamentary majority following April elections, the country is holding a repeat vote on September 17.
The following month, he faces a hearing with Israel’s attorney general, who has recommended indicting Netanyahu on corruption charges.
If formal charges are filed, Netanyahu could be forced to step aside.
In contrast to his predecessors, the 69-year-old hasn’t left his mark by winning a war or signing a peace accord.
He has proudly resisted various peace initiatives and allowed West Bank settlements to flourish.
The signature achievements most associated with him, such as combatting Iran's nuclear programme, covertly striking weapons shipments to Israel’s enemies and building a border fence to stop the flow of African migrants, had begun taking shape before he assumed office.
Netanyahu has often said he would like to be remembered as the "protector of Israel."
But admirers and critics alike say that what sets him apart is his unparalleled political acumen, a ruthless drive to win at all costs and an uncanny ability to sell his shifting policies to the public.
A gifted orator in both English and Hebrew, he was elected for a single term in the late 1990s on a platform of opposing the Oslo accords with the Palestinians.
But once in office, he continued implementing them and even met with arch-enemy Yasser Arafat.
As finance minister in the early 2000s he cut taxes and rolled back entitlements to the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community only to reverse course once he returned to power to secure their political backing.
He wrote counterterrorism books in which he preached never to negotiate under threat, but as prime minister released more than 1,000 prisoners in exchange for a single captive Israeli soldier in 2011.
Despite his tough talk, he has shown relative moderation when it comes to using military force.
Over the past year, he has resisted calls by hard-line constituents to strike harder against Gaza militants.
Even after so long in power, Netanyahu has maintained an outsider image, railing at perceived enemies in the media, judiciary and opposition.
His tactics have mirrored those of his good friend, US President Donald Trump, as well as other right-wing populist leaders like Hungary's Viktor Orban and Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro - both of whom he has welcomed to Israel.
The anti-establishment rhetoric, along with occasional incitement against the country's Arab minority and the political left, has played well among his base of traditional, working-class voters.
The son of a historian and a keen student of history himself Netanyahu already holds the record for being Israel's youngest elected prime minister and for serving the longest consecutive term.
Anshel Pfeffer, a columnist at the Haaretz daily and author of a Netanyahu biography, said the prime minister has presided over a period of prosperity and relative quiet, but doesn't have "a tangible legacy".
Netanyahu often boasts of expanding ties with countries that once shunned Israel _ including Arab states that share Israel’s enmity toward Iran _ while rejecting demands for a Palestinian state.
"What we have seen in Netanyahu's years in office is a much more gradual shift towards taking the Palestinian issue off the agenda," Pfeffer said. "And a focusing of Israel and the major Arab states on Iran as the major regional threat."
Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi said Netanyahu will be remembered as "the person who managed to destroy the chances of peace", and paved the way to a future apartheid state by deepening Israel’s control over the West Bank, which it captured in the 1967 Mideast war.
"His only commitment is to his own career, his own position in Israel rather than to anything having to do with peace," said Ashrawi.
In confronting US President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran in a brazen 2015 speech to Congress, Netanyahu also debunked the conventional wisdom that an Israeli leader could not survive an open clash with an American president.
Since Trump’s election in 2016, Netanyahu has enjoyed unprecedented backing, drawing frequent accusations of partisanship.
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