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చైనా బాక్సాఫీస్ వద్ద అంధాధున్ దూకుడు

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Published : Apr 9, 2019, 8:30 AM IST

ఆయుష్మాన్ ఖురనా, టబు, రాధిక ఆప్టే ప్రధానపాత్రల్లో నటించిన 'అంధాధున్' సినిమా చైనాలో 100 కోట్ల వసూళ్లను సాధించింది

అంధాదున్ చిత్రం

బాలీవుడ్ బ్లాక్ బస్టర్ సినిమా 'అంధాధున్' చిత్రం చైనాలో విడుదలైన సంగతి తెలిసిందే. ఇపుడు ఈ చిత్రం చైనా బాక్సాఫీస్ వద్ద దూసుకుపోతోంది. చైనాలో ఏప్రిల్ 3న విడుదలైన ఈ సినిమా 100 కోట్ల వసూళ్లను రాబట్టింది.

ఆయుష్మాన్ ఖురానా, టబు, రాధిక ఆప్టే ప్రధాన పాత్రలు పోషించిన ఈ చిత్రానికి శ్రీరామ్ రాఘవన్ దర్శకత్వం వహించాడు. విమర్శకుల ప్రశంసలతో పాటు పలు అవార్డులు అందుకుందీ చిత్రం.

చైనాలో భారతీయ సినిమాలకు మార్కెట్ పెరుగుతోంది. ఆమీర్ ఖాన్ దంగల్, సల్మాన్ ఖాన్ బజరంగీ భాయ్ జాన్, ఇర్ఫాన్ ఖాన్ హిందీ మీడియం చిత్రాలు కూడా చైనా బాక్సాఫీస్ వద్ద మంచి వసూళ్లనే సాధించాయి.

బాలీవుడ్ బ్లాక్ బస్టర్ సినిమా 'అంధాధున్' చిత్రం చైనాలో విడుదలైన సంగతి తెలిసిందే. ఇపుడు ఈ చిత్రం చైనా బాక్సాఫీస్ వద్ద దూసుకుపోతోంది. చైనాలో ఏప్రిల్ 3న విడుదలైన ఈ సినిమా 100 కోట్ల వసూళ్లను రాబట్టింది.

ఆయుష్మాన్ ఖురానా, టబు, రాధిక ఆప్టే ప్రధాన పాత్రలు పోషించిన ఈ చిత్రానికి శ్రీరామ్ రాఘవన్ దర్శకత్వం వహించాడు. విమర్శకుల ప్రశంసలతో పాటు పలు అవార్డులు అందుకుందీ చిత్రం.

చైనాలో భారతీయ సినిమాలకు మార్కెట్ పెరుగుతోంది. ఆమీర్ ఖాన్ దంగల్, సల్మాన్ ఖాన్ బజరంగీ భాయ్ జాన్, ఇర్ఫాన్ ఖాన్ హిందీ మీడియం చిత్రాలు కూడా చైనా బాక్సాఫీస్ వద్ద మంచి వసూళ్లనే సాధించాయి.

Luxembourg - 8 April 2019
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Federica Mogherini, EU Foreign Policy chief:
"The responsibility that lies on our shoulders on showing unity and responsibility in this moment in support to the UN efforts is extreme and it is in the interest of all Europeans to avoid that this current military escalation develops even further and escalates to the level of a civil war."
2. Reporter
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Federica Mogherini, EU Foreign Policy chief:
"You might find it hard to believe but today discussion on Libya didn't touch upon the migration issue. Let me stress this because it's very important. I think it's important for the Libyans and it's important for me personally; Libya is a country in itself. Libyans deserve peace and stability and security themselves. Then there is also a migration issue as a consequence of the instability and the security situation in the country but the reason why we work on Libya with Libyans is first and foremost the fate of the Libyans and I want this to be very clear. Today we discussed Libya not as a transit country but as a country that is a neighbouring country to us, so close geographically and culturally and economically to many member states and so important for the security of Europe and of the entire region."
4. Reporter asking question
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Federica Mogherini, EU Foreign Policy chief:
"We then discussed our support to the Afghanistan peace process. You might have seen the conclusions we have adopted that highlight the concrete actions that the European Union is willing and ready to take in support of an Afghan led and Afghan owned peace process, hopefully to be started already next week, as it was announced that intra-Afghan negotiations might start already next week. We have been supporting enormously the work of the Afghan legitimate authorities in their preparation for that and I'm glad to see that yesterday President Ghani announced the formation of the negotiating team and a senior counsel to lead them. I really hope that also following our talks in Kabul a couple of weeks ago this can open the way for negotiations that can lead to peace in Afghanistan without prejudging neither the electoral process nor the achievements that the Afghan population has managed to reach, in particular on the rights of women, minorities and human rights in general terms."
6. Reporter asking question
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Federica Mogherini, EU Foreign Policy chief:
"As we've done for many different peace processes and peace agreements we can act as a guarantor. In particular in Asia, think of Myanmar, think of the Philippines, the European Union is the guarantor of the peace agreements. I have the impression that now we are still far from an agreement but obviously we could play that role both of guaranteeing the implementation of the agreements _ the European Union has sufficient resources and presence on the ground to do that _ and I would say even more importantly, the European Union enjoys sufficient trust from different sides and parties of the Afghan society and of the region and international community to play that role - but obviously we can also play a role of guaranteeing the process itself."
8. Reporters
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Federica Mogherini, EU Foreign Policy chief:
"The European Union doesn't have sanctions on Venezuela in place and it's not considering putting sanctions on Venezuela in place. We have targeted individual restrictions, measures on individuals that have had responsibilities in terms either of violence or of obstructing the democratic process, and these are measures that do not affect Venezuela as a country or the Venezuelan people at all but affect the single individuals that hold specific institutional responsibilities that are linked to the use of violence. It is possible, it is not excluded that member states will consider further restricted measures on individuals of similar nature."
10. End of news conference
The European Union's foreign policy chief on Monday called on all sides in the escalating Libyan military conflict to stop fighting and start talking.
Federica Mogherini said Monday that European Union foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg were united in their call for a truce.
She added it was "in the interest of all Europeans to avoid that the current military escalation develops even further and escalates to the level of a civil war."
The UN says that fighting over Libya's capital that erupted last week has already displaced 2,800 people.
The death toll has risen to 49, including civilians.
Libya is a departure point for many refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe.
Mogherini said leaders had not discussed the migration implications of the current crisis.
"There is also a migration issue as a consequence of the instability and the security situation in the country but the reason why we work on Libya with Libyans is first and foremost the fate of the Libyans," Mogherini stressed.
The EU's top diplomat also said ministers had talked about the Afghan peace process, adding that the EU could act as a guarantor not just to a peace agreement but to the process itself.
The Taliban effectively control nearly half of Afghanistan and have continued to carry out daily attacks on Afghan security forces despite holding several rounds of peace talks with the United States in recent months.
The Taliban have refused to meet with the Afghan government, which they view as a U.S. puppet.
The Taliban agreed to take part in an Afghan dialogue in Qatar, where the insurgents maintain a political office, later this month.
But the Taliban say any member of the government who attends will only do so in a personal capacity.
After two months of consultations, the Afghan government announced Monday that it had created a council to appoint a delegation to the talks. The council consists of current and former officials, as well as other prominent figures from around the country.
Afghan peace envoy Omer Daudzai said the delegates, who have yet to be chosen, will "exchange views" with the Taliban ahead of possible negotiations.
U.S. envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, who has led the talks with the Taliban in a bid to end America's longest war, tweeted Sunday that he had met with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in Kabul to discuss the upcoming dialogue and efforts to reduce the violence.
Mogherini also touched upon the crisis in Venezuela saying work was continuing to facilitate humanitarian aid into the country and to prepare the ground for free and fair presidential elections to be held there, although she admitted that was a long term goal.
She added that sanctions on particular individuals, which were not targeting the Venezuelan people, would continue and could be stepped up.
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