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ఇండోనేసియా నిరసనలు హింసాత్మకం

ఇండోనేసియాలో మరోసారి అధ్యక్ష పదవి చేపట్టిన జోకో విడొడోకు వ్యతిరేకంగా చెలరేగిన నిరసనలు హింసాత్మకంగా మారాయి. పోలీసుల ప్రతిదాడిలో ఇప్పటివరకు ఆరుగురు మరణించగా, అనేక మంది తీవ్రగాయాలపాలయ్యారు. అయితే వీటిని ప్రభుత్వం అధికారికంగా గుర్తించలేదు

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Published : May 23, 2019, 12:15 AM IST

ఇండోనేసియా నిరసనలు హింసాత్మకం
ఇండోనేసియా నిరసనలు హింసాత్మకం

అధ్యక్ష ఎన్నికల ఫలితాలు నిరసిస్తూ ఇండోనేసియాలో చెలరేగిన నిరసనలు తీవ్ర హింసాత్మకంగా మారాయి. ప్రభుత్వ, ప్రైవేట్ ఆస్తులపై దాడులకు పాల్పడుతున్న నిరసనకారులపై పోలీసులు బాష్పవాయువు ప్రయోగిస్తున్నారు. పోలీసుల దాడుల్లో ఇప్పటి వరకు సుమారు ఆరుగురు మరణించగా, చాలా మంది తీవ్రగాయాలపాలయ్యారు. అయితే మరణించిన నిరసనకారుల వివరాలను ప్రభుత్వం అధికారికంగా గుర్తించడంలేదు.

ఇదీ నేపథ్యం..

ఇండోనేసియా అధ్యక్ష ఎన్నికల్లో ప్రస్తుత అధ్యక్షుడు జోకో విడోడో మరోసారి జయభేరి మోగించారు. ఏప్రిల్​ 17న జరిగిన ఎన్నికల్లో ఆయనకు 55.5 శాతం ఓట్లు పోలయ్యాయని అక్కడి ఎన్నికల సంఘం ప్రకటించింది.

ఇది అక్రమం..

ఈ ఎన్నికల ఫలితాలను ప్రధాన ప్రత్యర్థి ప్రాబోవో సుబియాంటో తిరస్కరించారు. మోసం జరిగిందని, పెద్ద ఎత్తున అవకతవకలు జరిగాయని ఆరోపించారు. న్యాయస్థానాన్ని ఆశ్రయించడానికి సమాయత్తమవుతున్నారు. విడొడోపై తానే విజయం సాధించినట్లు స్వయంగా ప్రకటించుకున్నారు ఈ మాజీ పోలీసు దళాల జనరల్​.
ఫలితాలపై తీవ్ర అభ్యంతరం వ్యక్తం చేసిన ప్రొబోవో మద్దతుదారులు ఎన్నికల సంఘం కార్యాలయంపై దాడికి ప్రయత్నించారు. అడ్డుకున్న పోలీసులపై రాళ్లదాడి చేశారు. పోలీసుల వసతి గృహానికి నిప్పు అంటించారు.

భారీ భద్రతా ఏర్పాట్లు

రాజధాని జకార్తాలో నెలకొన్న హింసాత్మక ఆందోళనలను అదుపులోకి తెచ్చేందుకు దాదాపు 50 వేల మంది పోలీసు బలగాలను ఇండోనేసియా ప్రభుత్వం మోహరించింది. ఇప్పటికే 20 మంది అనుమానిత నిరసనకారులను అదుపులోకి తీసుకుంది.

ఇదీ చూడండి: డమ్మీ స్మార్ట్​ఫోన్లతో దొంగలకే టోకరా...

ఇండోనేసియా నిరసనలు హింసాత్మకం

అధ్యక్ష ఎన్నికల ఫలితాలు నిరసిస్తూ ఇండోనేసియాలో చెలరేగిన నిరసనలు తీవ్ర హింసాత్మకంగా మారాయి. ప్రభుత్వ, ప్రైవేట్ ఆస్తులపై దాడులకు పాల్పడుతున్న నిరసనకారులపై పోలీసులు బాష్పవాయువు ప్రయోగిస్తున్నారు. పోలీసుల దాడుల్లో ఇప్పటి వరకు సుమారు ఆరుగురు మరణించగా, చాలా మంది తీవ్రగాయాలపాలయ్యారు. అయితే మరణించిన నిరసనకారుల వివరాలను ప్రభుత్వం అధికారికంగా గుర్తించడంలేదు.

ఇదీ నేపథ్యం..

ఇండోనేసియా అధ్యక్ష ఎన్నికల్లో ప్రస్తుత అధ్యక్షుడు జోకో విడోడో మరోసారి జయభేరి మోగించారు. ఏప్రిల్​ 17న జరిగిన ఎన్నికల్లో ఆయనకు 55.5 శాతం ఓట్లు పోలయ్యాయని అక్కడి ఎన్నికల సంఘం ప్రకటించింది.

ఇది అక్రమం..

ఈ ఎన్నికల ఫలితాలను ప్రధాన ప్రత్యర్థి ప్రాబోవో సుబియాంటో తిరస్కరించారు. మోసం జరిగిందని, పెద్ద ఎత్తున అవకతవకలు జరిగాయని ఆరోపించారు. న్యాయస్థానాన్ని ఆశ్రయించడానికి సమాయత్తమవుతున్నారు. విడొడోపై తానే విజయం సాధించినట్లు స్వయంగా ప్రకటించుకున్నారు ఈ మాజీ పోలీసు దళాల జనరల్​.
ఫలితాలపై తీవ్ర అభ్యంతరం వ్యక్తం చేసిన ప్రొబోవో మద్దతుదారులు ఎన్నికల సంఘం కార్యాలయంపై దాడికి ప్రయత్నించారు. అడ్డుకున్న పోలీసులపై రాళ్లదాడి చేశారు. పోలీసుల వసతి గృహానికి నిప్పు అంటించారు.

భారీ భద్రతా ఏర్పాట్లు

రాజధాని జకార్తాలో నెలకొన్న హింసాత్మక ఆందోళనలను అదుపులోకి తెచ్చేందుకు దాదాపు 50 వేల మంది పోలీసు బలగాలను ఇండోనేసియా ప్రభుత్వం మోహరించింది. ఇప్పటికే 20 మంది అనుమానిత నిరసనకారులను అదుపులోకి తీసుకుంది.

ఇదీ చూడండి: డమ్మీ స్మార్ట్​ఫోన్లతో దొంగలకే టోకరా...

1. Trailer clip - "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"  
Cannes, 22 May 2019
2 . Wide shot press conference
3. Wide shot Margot Robbie, Quentin Tarantino, Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio arrive at press conference
4. Pull-out to wide of above
5. Medium shot; pan; pull-out Margot Robbie, Quentin Tarantino, Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt
6. Medium shot Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio
7. Wide shot press conference
8 . SOUNDBITE: (English) Leonardo DiCaprio, actor:
"Well, that's a multitude of questions, but I think it all relates to the same thing.  I think, you know, there was an incredible ease and comfort getting to work alongside Brad.  I mean, we kind of grew up in the same generation, got our start around the same time.  And to be honest, you know, Quentin gave us this incredible back story for our characters.  I mean, he literally came to us with a bible of their work together, their friendship together, what they've been through in the industry, how they're now on the outskirts of this sort of new era in Hollywood and they're outsiders.  And all that sort of fed into this immediate comfort and ease that I think he and I had with one another and look, Brad is not only a terrific actor, but he's a professional, so when Quentin puts you in these sort of improvised scenarios and we both sort of have a great foothold on our history and our character, I have to say it was incredibly easy, incredibly easy working with Brad, and I think we together forged hopefully a great cinematic bond in a film about our industry together."
9 . SOUNDBITE: (English) Brad Pitt, actor:
"I would agree - it was great, great ease and really great fun.  I had a great laugh with him.  And it's that thing of knowing you got, you know, the best of the best on the opposite side of the table holding up the scene with you and there's a great relief in that.  And as Leo said, we do, we we have the same reference points, we kind of came on at the same time, we've been going through this at the same time, have similar experiences to laugh about and I hope we get to do it again.  It was great fun."
10. Wide shot press conference
11. SOUNDBITE: (English) Quentin Tarantino, director:
(Reporter: "I had a question - same question - for Quentin and Margot.  Quentin, you have put Margot Robbie, a very talented actress, actor, in your film.  She was with Leonardo in 'Wolf of Wall Street,' 'I Tonya.'  This is a, you know, person with a great deal of acting talent and yet you haven't really given her many lines in the movie and I wondered - I guess that was a deliberate choice on your part.  And I just wanted to know why that was that we don't hear her actually speaking very much.  And Margot I wanted you to also comment about being in the film in this part.")
"Well, I just reject your hypotheses."
12. SOUNDBITE: (English) Margot Robbie, actress:
"I, like I said, like I said earlier, I always look at the character and what the character is supposed to serve to the story.  I think the moments that I got on screen gave an opportunity to honor Sharon and the lightness - I don't think it was intended to delve deeper than...  Like Brad also mentioned, I think the tragedy ultimately was the loss of innocence and to really show those wonderful sides of her, I think could be adequately done without speaking.  I did feel like I got a lot of time to explore the character even without dialogue specifically, which is an interesting thing 'cause I often do look to the interaction with other characters to inform me on my character.  Rarely do I get an opportunity to spend so much time on my own as a character going through a day- to-day existence.  That was actually an interesting thing for me to do as an actor - I actually really appreciated the exercise and felt that I could deliver what I wanted to onscreen."
13. Wide shot press conference
14. SOUNDBITE: (English) Leonardo DiCaprio, actor:
"Well, I'll make it quick: just certainly in relationship to this character, taking stock of my own life, I immediately identified with this character in a lot of ways because I grew up in the industry.  And this guy is sort of on the outskirts of times that are changing and he's sort of left behind and it, you know, for me ultimately, it's just an immense appreciation that I have for the position that I'm in and the fact that this guy is suddenly sort of struggling with his own pathos, his own ability to gain confidence and persevere and get that next job.  I don't know - I immediately connected with him.  I have a lot of friends in the industry and I know how lucky I am to be in this opportunity so I just feel immense gratitude, immense gratitude."
15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Brad Pitt, actor:
"And I would say that, you know, I see Rick and Cliff - the two characters that Quentin's created - kind of as one individual.  And it really comes down to acceptance: acceptance of your place, your life, your surroundings, your challenges, your troubles.  And we find in the Rick character, we see someone who's hilariously so - feeling, like, put upon by life and it's not good enough, life's against him, with some of the greatest breakdown scenes I've ever seen by my friend Leo here.  And then in the Cliff character that Quentin created, you see a guy who's gone past that and is in a place of acceptance with his lot in life, quite at piece, will take whatever comes in those have figured out as we go.  So for me, it comes down to acceptance."
16. Wide shot press conference
17. SOUNDBITE: (English) Quentin Tarantino, director:
"Well, I can honestly say that my taking stock is different than it would have been three years ago or four years ago or even 10 years ago - any almost any of the time since I've known you, Chaz - because I just got married six months ago.  In fact, you're sitting in front of, my wife is sitting in front of you.  And I've never done that before and now I know why: I was waiting for the perfect girl."
18. Wide shot press conference; cast and director sign autographs and leave
19. Trailer clip - "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood"  
Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio said they forged a "cinematic bond" making Quentin Tarantino's "Once Upon a Time a Time ... in Hollywood," while Tarantino bristled at the suggestion at the Cannes Film Festival on Wednesday (22 MAY 2019) that Margot Robbie's Sharon Tate isn't primary enough in the film.
"Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood" made its splashy premiere Tuesday evening at Cannes, 25 years after Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction" debuted at the French Riviera festival, where it went on to win the Palme d'Or.  Tarantino's latest is about an actor (DiCaprio) in TV Westerns and his stunt double (Pitt) in 1960s Los Angeles, set against the backdrop of the Manson family murders.
It's the first time DiCaprio and Pitt have made a feature together, though the two co-starred in a 2015 short directed by Martin Scorsese.  They both suggested it might not be the last.
"There was an incredible ease and comfort getting to work alongside Brad.  We kind of grew up in the same generation, got our start around the same time," said DiCaprio. "We together forged, hopefully, a great cinematic bond in a film about our industry together."
Pitt concurred. "It's that thing of knowing you've got the best-of-the-best on the opposite side of the table holding up the scene with you," he said.  "I hope we get to do it again."
The anticipation and glamour of "Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood" brought a frenzy unlike anything else has to this year's Cannes.  Festival artistic director Thierry Fremaux had desperately sought its inclusion.  The film was a late addition after Tarantino was able to finish post-production work in time.
The stakes have been high for Sony Pictures, which gave Tarantino a $95 million budget to make what DiCaprio called "his love letter to the industry."  On Wednesday, Sony Pictures chief Tom Rothman sat front row as Tarantino and his cast spoke to reporters.
Tarantino was made a free agent in Hollywood after the downfall of his regular producer, Harvey Weinstein.  The director has previously acknowledged knowing about some of the accusations against Weinstein for years, saying: "I knew enough to do more than I did."
Tarantino made no mention on Wednesday of Weinstein or the controversy last year involving Uma Thurman.  The actress said an unsafe stunt on "Kill Bill" left her neck and knees permanently damaged.  Tarantino later apologized, calling the incident "the biggest regret of my life."
He was, though, asked about his feelings toward director Roman Polanski, who was Tate's husband at the time of the Manson family murders.  Played by Rafal Zawierucha, Polanski is seen only sparingly in "Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood."  Tarantino previously defended Polanski for having sex with a 13-year-old girl, telling Howard Stern in 2003 that she "wanted to have it."
On Wednesday, Tarantino said only that he's a deep admirer of Polanski's "Rosemary's Baby."  He said he didn't consult Polanski on the new film.
The tensest moment for Tarantino came when a New York Times reporter asked why an actress as talented as Robbie had relatively few lines in the film.  Robbie's Tate is largely a side narrative in the movie, which focuses on her fictional neighbors (DiCaprio and Pitt).
"I just reject your hypotheses," Tarantino retorted curtly.  Robbie gave a fuller defense, calling her Tate "a ray of light."  She said Tarantino referred to her character as "the heartbeat of the story."
"The moments that I got gave the opportunity to honor Sharon," she said.  "I did feel like I got a lot of time to explore the character even without dialogue, specifically."
When another reporter asked Tarantino if he ever had any hesitation about turning a real-life tragedy into a movie, he replied, simply: "Um, no."
"Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood," which opens in U.S. theaters on July 26, has been met with largely good reviews in Cannes, with critics calling it a nostalgic ode to a bygone Hollywood.
Asked if he would have rather made movies in 1969 than now, Tarantino said: "I prefer any time before cell phones."
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