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జపాన్​ చారిత్రక కోటలో అగ్నిప్రమాదం

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Published : Oct 31, 2019, 1:15 PM IST

జపాన్​లోని చారిత్రక ప్రపంచ వారసత్వ సంపదగా గుర్తింపు పొందిన షురి కోటలో అగ్ని ప్రమాదం సంభవించింది. భారీ ఎత్తున మంటలు వ్యాపించటం వల్ల తీవ్ర నష్టం వాటిల్లింది.

జపాన్​ చారిత్రక కోటలో అగ్నిప్రమాదం
జపాన్​ చారిత్రక కోటలో అగ్నిప్రమాదం

జపాన్​లోని దక్షిణ ద్వీపం ఓకినావాలోని చారిత్రక షురి కోటలో పెద్దఎత్తున మంటలు చెలరేగాయి. ప్రపంచ వారసత్వ సంపదగా గుర్తింపు పొందిన ఈ కోట.. ప్రమాదం కారణంగా తీవ్రంగా దెబ్బతింది.

మంటలను అరికట్టేందుకు అగ్నిమాపక సిబ్బంది రంగంలోకి దిగింది. ముందు జాగ్రత్తగా పరిసరాల్లోని స్థానికులను సురక్షిత ప్రాంతాలకు తరలించారు. ఈ ప్రమాదంలో కోటలోని ప్రధాన సీడెన్​ ఆలయంతో పాటు ఉత్తర, దక్షిణ ఆలయాలు ధ్వంసమయ్యాయి. అయితే.. ఎలాంటి ప్రాణనష్టం జరగలేదు.

కోట చరిత్ర ఇదే..

సుమారు 500 ఏళ్ల చరిత్ర కలిగిన ఈ కోటను యూక్యువాన్​ రాజు కాలం నాటికి చెందినదిగా చరిత్రలు చెబుతున్నాయి. రెండో ప్రపంచ యుద్ధ సమయంలో... దాడి జరిగి ధ్వంసం అయ్యింది. ఆ తర్వాత 1992లో పునరుద్ధరించి.. జాతీయ పార్కుగా మార్చారు. 2000 సంవత్సరంలో ఈ కోటను ప్రపంచ వారసత్వ సంపద జాబితాలో చేర్చింది యునెస్కో.

ఇదీ చూడండి: 90 నిమిషాల 'ఆపరేషన్​ బాగ్దాదీ'​ సాగిందిలా..!

జపాన్​ చారిత్రక కోటలో అగ్నిప్రమాదం

జపాన్​లోని దక్షిణ ద్వీపం ఓకినావాలోని చారిత్రక షురి కోటలో పెద్దఎత్తున మంటలు చెలరేగాయి. ప్రపంచ వారసత్వ సంపదగా గుర్తింపు పొందిన ఈ కోట.. ప్రమాదం కారణంగా తీవ్రంగా దెబ్బతింది.

మంటలను అరికట్టేందుకు అగ్నిమాపక సిబ్బంది రంగంలోకి దిగింది. ముందు జాగ్రత్తగా పరిసరాల్లోని స్థానికులను సురక్షిత ప్రాంతాలకు తరలించారు. ఈ ప్రమాదంలో కోటలోని ప్రధాన సీడెన్​ ఆలయంతో పాటు ఉత్తర, దక్షిణ ఆలయాలు ధ్వంసమయ్యాయి. అయితే.. ఎలాంటి ప్రాణనష్టం జరగలేదు.

కోట చరిత్ర ఇదే..

సుమారు 500 ఏళ్ల చరిత్ర కలిగిన ఈ కోటను యూక్యువాన్​ రాజు కాలం నాటికి చెందినదిగా చరిత్రలు చెబుతున్నాయి. రెండో ప్రపంచ యుద్ధ సమయంలో... దాడి జరిగి ధ్వంసం అయ్యింది. ఆ తర్వాత 1992లో పునరుద్ధరించి.. జాతీయ పార్కుగా మార్చారు. 2000 సంవత్సరంలో ఈ కోటను ప్రపంచ వారసత్వ సంపద జాబితాలో చేర్చింది యునెస్కో.

ఇదీ చూడండి: 90 నిమిషాల 'ఆపరేషన్​ బాగ్దాదీ'​ సాగిందిలా..!

Here are the stories AP Television aims to cover over the next 12 hours. All times in GMT.
IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS EMBASSY - US embassy in Tehran a monument to hostage crisis. STORY NUMBER 4237527
JAPAN FIRE - Historic UNESCO heritage Japanese castle on fire. STORY NUMBER 4237526
PROFILE UK BERCOW - 'Order, order' and ties made Bercow a global hit. STORY NUMBER 4237523
US CA SIMI WILDFIRE SCENE - New Southern California fires force evacuations. STORY NUMBER 4237508
CHILE CLASHES 2 - Drone films teargas, water cannon at Chile protest. STORY NUMBER 4237501
EUROPE BREXIT - BREXIT - Deadline by which Britain was due to leave the EU which has been postponed.
::1300GMT - Focus on Boris' promise to take the UK out of the European Union by today. Edited coverage.
::0830GMT - Live exterior shot of Downing street. Accessing live.
::1030GMT APPROX - Business update by Jacob Rees-Mogg followed by tributes to the Speaker's Chaplain. Accessing live. Edit to follow.  
::1200GMT - Various Pro-Brexit groups protest at Parliament Square. Edited coverage.
::1930GMT - Various Pro Europe groups plan on marching from South Bank to Parliament square. Edited coverage.
::2230GMT- Brexit Halloween party. Edited self cover.
::1000-1100GMT - Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will be joined by Labour's Shadow Cabinet to kick off Labour's General Election campaign in London. Accessing live of Corbyn speech. Edit to follow.  
HONG KONG RECESSION - Quarterly GDP data is expected to show that Hong Kong has slipped into recession as months-long protests continue.
::Announcement may come only through a written statement
::TBC if there will be a presser. Figures expected to be released 0800GMT, possible statement only. Covering with LiveU / edit if a presser happens
HONG KONG RECESSION-BUSINESS - Ms Chow owns a stall selling clothing garments  in the shopping district  of Causeway Bay. She says her business is suffering because people have lost the incentive to shop due to the months-long protests in Hong Kong.  Some of the shops in the district have closed  and have put up their spaces for rent
::Edited coverage
HONG KONG PROTESTS – Protest  planned to mark two months since police stormed a subway car and hit passengers with batons and pepper spray, after a protest march proceeded even when police denied permission.
::Timings TBC. Covering live. Edit to follow
HONG KONG PROTEST – HALLOWEEN - Protesters in Hong Kong gather to mark Halloween and use the occasion to wear various face masks as they go out on the streets. The Hong Kong government implemented a mask ban early this month, in an effort to quell four months of increasingly violent protests
::1130GMT - Halloween gathering. Covering live. Edit to follow
CHINA POLITICS - China's ruling Communist Party may announce the outcomes of a major conference that comes amid drastically slowing economic growth, anti-government protests in Hong Kong and heightened trade tensions between Beijing and Washington.
::No info on how this will be announced, expected after 1100GMT
MALAYSIA US - David Stilwell, US Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs holds a policy discussion.
::Edit expected
PAKISTAN PROTEST MARCH - Thousands participating in protest march calling for Prime Minister Imran Khan to step down, expected to reach Islamabad.
::Approx 1100GMT – March arrives in Islamabad. Covering live. Edit to follow
INDIA KASHMIR REORGANIZATION - The reorganization of Indian-controlled Kashmir into two centrally-governed union territories takes effect. On Aug. 5, New Delhi stripped the region of its statehood and divided it into Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh.
::No known events to mark this; monitoring
VIETNAM UK TRUCK-MISSING - Monitoring latest developments after 24 Vietnamese families have reported missing relatives whom they fear to be among the dead in the back of a truck in England last week.
::Monitoring / covering latest
CAMBODIA UK-MISSING BACKPACKER - Monitoring latest developments as the search for a young British woman continues. 21-year-old Amelia Bambridge has not been seen since last Wednesday night when she went to a beach party on Koh Rong island in southwestern Cambodia.
::Monitoring / Covering latest
JAPAN MINISTER RESIGNS - Japan's justice minister Katsuyuki Kawai has resigned over election fraud allegations involving his wife, also a lawmaker, and about his own gift-giving allegations reported in a tabloid magazine.
::Accessing edit
SYRIA TURKEY - Latest developments amid Russian and government deployment in northeastern Syria.
IRAQ PROTEST - Monitoring for more protests in Iraq amid violent crackdown in major cities.
LEBANON PROTEST - Monitoring continuing protests against elite corruption and incompetence.
::1800GMT - President Michel Aoun to speak. Accessing live. Edit to follow
SAUDI INVESTMENT FORUM - Saudi Arabia hosts the Future Investment Initiative forum, the brainchild of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, amid a push by the kingdom to offer a sliver of its massive state-run oil company on a public stock exchange.
:: Details TBA
BERLIN WALL – VIEW FROM MOSCOW - When the Berlin Wall fell, the Soviet Union took a resigned approach, letting East Germany's communist government collapse and then quickly agreeing to German reunification. Now President Vladimir Putin holds the Soviet leaders responsible for naivety that betrayed the nation's interests and paved the way for NATO's expansion eastward.  
::0800GMT - Edited self cover.
UKRAINE NATO - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg meets Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and addresses lawmakers in the Ukrainian parliament on the final day of a two-day trip to Ukraine.
::0730GMT- Meeting with Zelenskiy. Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.  
::0900GMT- Joint news conference. Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
::0950GMT APPROX - Address in the Rada. Accessing live.  Edit to follow.
UKRAINE LAND FOR SALE - Plans by the new Ukrainian government to lift the ban on sales of farmland are stirring fears that Ukraine's coveted black earth will be bought up by foreigners, including Russians.
::0900GMT - Edited coverage.
SPAIN ELECTION CAMPAIGN - Political campaigning kicks off ahead of the Nov. 10 general election in Spain.
::1800GMT - The leader of the right wing VOX party Santiago Abascal and candidate Ignacio Garriga campaign in Barcelona. Edited self cover.   
::1800GMT - Caretaker Prime Minister and candidate Pedro Sanchez campaigns in Seville. Accessing live. Edit to follow.
::1800GMT - ERC Catalan regional government vice-president and party leader Pere Aragones, Catalan Parliament speaker Roger Torrent and Spanish Congress member and candidate Gabriel Rufian campaign in Barcelona. Accessing edited coverage.
::1830GMT - Pablo Casado, leader of the Popular Party and president of regional government of Andalusia Juanma Moreno campaign in Seville. Accessing live. Edit to follow.
TURKEY UN - UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu deliver keynote speeches at the 6th Istanbul Mediation Conference.  
::0630GMT - Begins and speeches by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. Accessing live.
LUXEMBOURG ECJ - The European Court of Justice will deliver its opinion in the cases European Commission vs Poland, Commission vs Hungary, Commission vs Czech Republic. In 2015, the European Council adopted a refugee relocation scheme. Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic have refused to participate. As a result, the Commission opened a case against the three countries at the European Court Justice.
::1200GMT - Accessing edited coverage
GERMANY ENVIRONMENT - Greenpeace backs three German farming families in their lawsuit against Chancellor Angela Merkel's government over its alleged failure to meet climate goals.
::TIME TBA - Protest outside the chancellery. Edited self cover.  
::0900GMT - Court session begins. Edited self cover outside for arrivals/departures. No access inside.  
RUSSIA OSCE - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov meets OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger for talks at the Russian foreign ministry reception house.
::0800GMT - Talks. Photo-op only. Edited cover to follow.  
::0900GMT - Joint news conference Covering live. LiveU quality. Edit to follow.
GREECE ISRAEL - Greece's foreign minister Nikos Dendias meets with Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz followed by a joint news conference.
::1300GMT - News conference begins. Edited self cover.  
GREECE ASYLUM LAW - Greek parliament debates and is expected to vote on a law that will toughen asylum procedures to try and manage the surge of migrant arrivals to Greece. The measures will include detaining migrants whose asylum applications are being processed and ramping up deportations.
::Law will pass as government has a majority.
::0730GMT - Parliament session begins. Accessing live.  
US DC IMPEACHMENT - National Security Council Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs Tim Morrison, who listened to the July 25 Trump call with Ukraine, is scheduled to testify. The House also will vote to formalize the impeachment process.
::1200GMT - Tim Morrison's depositions
::(Time TBD) - Resolution vote.
::Live and edits expected
US CA WILDFIRES - Continuing coverage of wildfires and power shutoffs in California.
::Covering/accessing latest
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