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చర్చల ప్రతిపాదనకు క్షిపణులతో కిమ్ జవాబు

ఉత్తర కొరియా శుక్రవారం మరో రెండు క్షిపణులను ప్రయోగించింది. శాంతి చర్చలకు ప్రతిపాదించిన పొరుగు దేశ అధ్యక్షుడిపై తీవ్ర స్థాయిలో ధ్వజమెత్తింది. జులై నుంచి ఉత్తర కొరియాకు ఇది ఆరో ప్రయోగం.

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Published : Aug 16, 2019, 11:48 AM IST

Updated : Sep 27, 2019, 4:24 AM IST

చర్చల ప్రతిపాదనకు క్షిపణులతో కిమ్ జవాబు

అగ్రరాజ్యం హెచ్చరికలు, ఐరాస ఆంక్షలు బేఖాతరు చేస్తూ క్షిపణుల ప్రయోగాలు కొనసాగిస్తోంది ఉత్తర కొరియా. తాజాగా ఆ దేశం మరో రెండు క్షిపణులను పరీక్షించినట్టు దక్షిణ కొరియా సైన్యం తెలిపింది. ఉత్తర కొరియా తూర్పు తీరం వద్ద ఈ ప్రయోగం జరిగిందని వెల్లడించింది.

ఈ ప్రయోగాలు బాలిస్టిక్​ క్షిపణులా లేక రాకెట్​ ఫిరంగులా అనే అంశంపై అమెరికా, దక్షిణ కొరియా స్పష్టత ఇవ్వలేదు.

మూన్​పై ధ్వజం...

క్షిపణుల ప్రయోగం తర్వాత ఓ ప్రకటన విడుదల చేసింది కిమ్ సర్కార్. దాయాది దేశాలు శాంతి చర్చలు జరిపి, సమస్య పరిష్కరించుకోవాలని దక్షిణ కొరియా అధ్యక్షుడు మూన్​ జే ఇన్​ అనడంపై తీవ్రస్థాయిలో మండిపడింది. మూన్​ను పరుష పదజాలంతో దూషించింది ఉత్తర కొరియా.


జులై నుంచి ఉత్తర కొరియాకు ఇది ఆరో ప్రయోగం. అమెరికాతో అణు చర్చలు నిలిచిపోవడం, అమెరికా- దక్షిణ కొరియా కలిసి సైనిక విన్యాసాలు నిర్వహించడంపై నిరాశ చెందిన ఉత్తరకొరియా.. ఈ విధంగా క్షిపణులను ప్రయోగిస్తోంది. ఈ పరీక్షల ద్వారా అమెరికా, దక్షిణ కొరియాపై ఒత్తిడి పెంచి, అణు చర్చల్లో కదలిక తీసుకురావాలన్నది కిమ్​ ఆలోచనగా కనిపిస్తోంది.

ఇదీ చూడండి- పక్షిరాజా ఎఫెక్ట్​: పొలాల్లో ల్యాండైన విమానం

అగ్రరాజ్యం హెచ్చరికలు, ఐరాస ఆంక్షలు బేఖాతరు చేస్తూ క్షిపణుల ప్రయోగాలు కొనసాగిస్తోంది ఉత్తర కొరియా. తాజాగా ఆ దేశం మరో రెండు క్షిపణులను పరీక్షించినట్టు దక్షిణ కొరియా సైన్యం తెలిపింది. ఉత్తర కొరియా తూర్పు తీరం వద్ద ఈ ప్రయోగం జరిగిందని వెల్లడించింది.

ఈ ప్రయోగాలు బాలిస్టిక్​ క్షిపణులా లేక రాకెట్​ ఫిరంగులా అనే అంశంపై అమెరికా, దక్షిణ కొరియా స్పష్టత ఇవ్వలేదు.

మూన్​పై ధ్వజం...

క్షిపణుల ప్రయోగం తర్వాత ఓ ప్రకటన విడుదల చేసింది కిమ్ సర్కార్. దాయాది దేశాలు శాంతి చర్చలు జరిపి, సమస్య పరిష్కరించుకోవాలని దక్షిణ కొరియా అధ్యక్షుడు మూన్​ జే ఇన్​ అనడంపై తీవ్రస్థాయిలో మండిపడింది. మూన్​ను పరుష పదజాలంతో దూషించింది ఉత్తర కొరియా.


జులై నుంచి ఉత్తర కొరియాకు ఇది ఆరో ప్రయోగం. అమెరికాతో అణు చర్చలు నిలిచిపోవడం, అమెరికా- దక్షిణ కొరియా కలిసి సైనిక విన్యాసాలు నిర్వహించడంపై నిరాశ చెందిన ఉత్తరకొరియా.. ఈ విధంగా క్షిపణులను ప్రయోగిస్తోంది. ఈ పరీక్షల ద్వారా అమెరికా, దక్షిణ కొరియాపై ఒత్తిడి పెంచి, అణు చర్చల్లో కదలిక తీసుకురావాలన్నది కిమ్​ ఆలోచనగా కనిపిస్తోంది.

ఇదీ చూడండి- పక్షిరాజా ఎఫెక్ట్​: పొలాల్లో ల్యాండైన విమానం

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SHOTLIST: Tokyo, Japan - 26th, 31st July and August 1st,8th,9th 2019
8th August 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
1. 00:00 Various wide from inside crowded JR railway car in morning commute
2. 00:17 Various wide from within commuter crowd descending from platform at a Tokyo station
3. 00:28 Wide of Japanese commuter allowing tourists to pass in front of him through crowded station
9th August 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
4. 00:34 Wide of cars and pedestrians across the street from Olympic Stadium
5. 00:41 Close of stoplight changing in front of Olympic Stadium
6. 00:45 Wide of cars idling heading in direction of Olympic Stadium
7. 00:50 Wide of construction attendant waving through traffic in front of Stadium
31st July 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
8. 00:53 SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Azuma Taguchi, Chuo University Professor (on the Tokyo transport system issues for the 2020 Summer Olympics)
"It's a two-part problem - it's very crowded in the center of Tokyo (on the subways), nearly 100 percent capacity in many places. The occupancy rate is 200 percent because people's shoulders are touching. It's so crowded that I can't read magazines or newspapers. If an Olympic spectator joins that morning rush there are now 200 percent of people on that train. If you consider a normal day as one, during the Olympics it will be one an half times as intense."
9. 01:16 Close of Taguchi's computer simulation of morning rush hour subway traffic during week of Tokyo 2020 Olympics
10. 01:25 SOUNDBITE (Japanese) Azuma Taguchi, Chuo University Professor (describing his Olympic transport simulator)  
"This simulation shows the (train commuters) congested area moves from further away from the Olympics venues to closer to the venues with time, as is seen around Shinjuku station and around Shin-kiba station (where many venues are present)."
11. 01:41 Close of different animated simulation depicting two views of Tokyo railway transit network
26th July 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
12. 01:45 Zoom close to wide of wall-sized monitor in Metropolitan Police Department's Traffic Control Center, depicting computer banks and digital map of Tokyo streets and highways
13. 01:51 Wide of Tokyo Metro officials speaking in front of map
14. 01:59 SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Kousei Sakuma, Senior Director for Transport Bureau of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Preparation, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
"We are currently promoting TDM together with the business community and other related industries. We hope that everyone understands potential impacts from holding the Games and push for their preparations to mitigate congestion.
We have requested companies to compile action plans that would address questions of how they can carry out corporate activity while taking into considerations of impact (from the Olympics.)"
1st August 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
15. 02:20 Close up of boarding pier in Tokyo, where passengers are boarding for free boat rides as part of experimental boat commute organized by Tokyo 2020 Olympic Committee in effort to relieve commuter congestion from subways and highways
16. 02:24 Mid pan of passengers from inside boat as it departs from a pier
17. 02:30 Wide of office buildings and ocean from passenger seat of boat commute social experiment
18. 02:35 Close-up of Fumiko Yoshioka's preschool-age daughter, Yuki, working on puzzle at kitchen table in their apartment while mother attends to business on laptop, a normal workday for Yoshioka, who works for MS & AD Insurance Group from home several days per week
19. 02:40 Mid of Yoshioka, Yuki at table
20. 02:44 SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Fumiko Yoshioka, Sales Coordinator for MS & AD Insurance Group (on how working at home has saved her time and effort)
"I was really helped by telecommuting where it was possible. First of all, I walked to the nursery school to deliver the children, and then I got on the bus and went to the station. From the station, I'm going to the office by transferring three trains, so it can be about 1 hour each way. If you can work from home, you can spend that hour for housework or on work. I think I can effectively use that commuting time."
9th August 2019 - Tokyo, Japan
21. 03:02 Wide of commuters entering and leaving a Tokyo station
22. 03:06 SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Osamu Kuriyama, Office Worker (on if they plan to telecommute during the Olympics)
"What I'll do next year? I don't know yet. I may try it."
23. 03:10 Close of commuters passing into and out of station
24. 03:15 SOUNDBITE: (Japanese) Kazuko Takizawa, Store Worker (saying her job does not allow the opportunity to telecommute)
"I can't do anything different, so I'm unable to (telecommute), so I will have the same schedule."
25. 03:19 Mid of commuters entering a Tokyo station
Those lucky enough to score tickets in the lottery for next year's Olympic Games in Tokyo may need to brace themselves for one final hurdle: an unprecedented commuter crush on their way to the venues.
Tokyo has arguably the world's most sophisticated public rail transport system, its scale - 40 million daily commuters - and efficiency make it an object of fascination for first time visitors.
But officials with Tokyo's Olympic organising committee say there is no precedent for the challenges they'll face next July, when upwards of 900,000 tourists per day are expected to visit the city during the games with nearly all relying on the rail network.
A study from Azuma Taguchi, a professor of traffic networks at Chuo University, concludes that without significant commuter reduction measures, congestion could become bad enough to be physically dangerous.
His computer simulation of next summer's rail transit conditions predicts that the biggest wave of Olympic spectators will collide with work commuters at popular transfer stations during the morning rush hour, while small stations closest to venues will be overwhelmed.
Transport officials characterize train cars with 200% capacity as giving passengers just enough space to read a magazine.
At 250%, they "cannot even move a hand."
Taguchi's study predicts 15 stations will experience greater than 200% capacity, with several reaching nearly 400% capacity at their peak.
The simulation assumes a static schedule - without any adjustments to accommodate more passengers, or any delays, which could compound congestion.  
Olympics officials are experimenting with a variety of potential remedies to the anticipated heat, crowds, and foreigners finding their feet for next year's games.
The committee is considering launching a new navigation smartphone app, boosting multilingual signage, and deploying robot-assistance, artificial intelligence, and a boat commute for commuters and spectators.
Throughout the summer, authorities have tested special highway lanes, changes to stoplight timing and the subway timetable among other strategies.
But Taguchi and organizers both agree that the key to smooth Olympics is in convincing Japanese workers to avoid the railways.
Organisers have been attempting to convince Japanese and their employers to work from home during Olympics.
They have  secured pledges from more than 2000 companies so far, but getting workaholic Japanese to change their habits has proved difficult.
Nikkei Business reported that a three-week trial run in the Tokyo subway earlier this summer resulted in just a 2-5% decrease in the maximum congestion rate.
Last Updated : Sep 27, 2019, 4:24 AM IST
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