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స్వదేశానికి పాక్​లోని భారత రాయబారి - పాకిస్థాన్

ఆర్టికల్ 370 రద్దు, జమ్ముకశ్మీర్ పునర్విభజనపై నిరసన వ్యక్తం చేసిన దాయాది పాకిస్థాన్ భారత రాయబారిని వెనక్కి పంపేందుకు నిర్ణయం తీసుకుంది. ఈ నేపథ్యంలో దౌత్యాధికారి అజయ్ బిసారియా స్వదేశానికి చేరుకున్నారు.

స్వదేశానికి చేరుకున్న పాక్​లో భారత రాయబారి
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Published : Aug 11, 2019, 11:26 PM IST

Updated : Sep 26, 2019, 5:06 PM IST

పాకిస్థాన్​లోని భారత రాయబారి అజయ్ బిసారియా స్వదేశానికి చేరుకున్నారు. కశ్మీర్​కు ప్రత్యేక ప్రతిపత్తి రద్దుకు నిరసనగా దౌత్య సంబంధాలు తెగతెంపులు చేసుకుంటామని ప్రకటించిన పాక్​ భారత రాయబారిని వెనక్కి పంపించింది. కశ్మీర్ అంశం నేపథ్యంలో తీసుకున్న నిర్ణయాన్ని పునఃసమీక్షించాలని భారత్​ చేసిన సూచనను దాయాది దేశం పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకోలేదు. పాక్ నిర్ణయం కారణంగా ఆ దేశాన్ని వీడిన దౌత్యాధికారి అజయ్​... దుబాయ్​కి చేరుకుని అనంతరం స్వదేశంలో అడుగుపెట్టారు.

పాక్ రాయబారీ రాలేదు..!

ప్రస్తుతం భారత్​లో పాక్​ రాయబారి లేరు. ఇప్పటివరకు ఆ బాధ్యలను నిర్వర్తించిన సోహెైల్ మహ్మద్ పాక్ విదేశాంగ శాఖ కార్యదర్శిగా నియామకమయ్యారు. కశ్మీర్ పరిణామాలకు ముందు మొయిన్ ఉల్ హక్​ను రాయబారిగా నియమించింది పాక్. ప్రత్యేక ప్రతిపత్తి రద్దు కారణంగా దౌత్య సంబంధాలను తెగతెంపులు చేసుకుంటామన్న నిర్ణయానికి అనుగుణంగా మొయిన్​ను భారత్​కు పంపలేదు పాక్​.

కశ్మీర్ సంఘీభావ దినంగా ఆగస్టు 14

పాకిస్థాన్ స్వాతంత్ర్య దినోత్సవమైన ఆగస్టు 14ను కశ్మీర్ సంఘీభావ దినోత్సవంగా జరపాలని నిర్ణయించింది దాయాది దేశం. ఈ మేరకు పాక్ విదేశాంగ మంత్రి షా మహమూద్ ఖురేషి ఆదివారం ప్రకటన విడుదల చేశారు.

ఇదీ చూడండి: 'కశ్మీర్​లో మూడు వందల ప్రత్యేక టెలిఫోన్లు'

పాకిస్థాన్​లోని భారత రాయబారి అజయ్ బిసారియా స్వదేశానికి చేరుకున్నారు. కశ్మీర్​కు ప్రత్యేక ప్రతిపత్తి రద్దుకు నిరసనగా దౌత్య సంబంధాలు తెగతెంపులు చేసుకుంటామని ప్రకటించిన పాక్​ భారత రాయబారిని వెనక్కి పంపించింది. కశ్మీర్ అంశం నేపథ్యంలో తీసుకున్న నిర్ణయాన్ని పునఃసమీక్షించాలని భారత్​ చేసిన సూచనను దాయాది దేశం పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకోలేదు. పాక్ నిర్ణయం కారణంగా ఆ దేశాన్ని వీడిన దౌత్యాధికారి అజయ్​... దుబాయ్​కి చేరుకుని అనంతరం స్వదేశంలో అడుగుపెట్టారు.

పాక్ రాయబారీ రాలేదు..!

ప్రస్తుతం భారత్​లో పాక్​ రాయబారి లేరు. ఇప్పటివరకు ఆ బాధ్యలను నిర్వర్తించిన సోహెైల్ మహ్మద్ పాక్ విదేశాంగ శాఖ కార్యదర్శిగా నియామకమయ్యారు. కశ్మీర్ పరిణామాలకు ముందు మొయిన్ ఉల్ హక్​ను రాయబారిగా నియమించింది పాక్. ప్రత్యేక ప్రతిపత్తి రద్దు కారణంగా దౌత్య సంబంధాలను తెగతెంపులు చేసుకుంటామన్న నిర్ణయానికి అనుగుణంగా మొయిన్​ను భారత్​కు పంపలేదు పాక్​.

కశ్మీర్ సంఘీభావ దినంగా ఆగస్టు 14

పాకిస్థాన్ స్వాతంత్ర్య దినోత్సవమైన ఆగస్టు 14ను కశ్మీర్ సంఘీభావ దినోత్సవంగా జరపాలని నిర్ణయించింది దాయాది దేశం. ఈ మేరకు పాక్ విదేశాంగ మంత్రి షా మహమూద్ ఖురేషి ఆదివారం ప్రకటన విడుదల చేశారు.

ఇదీ చూడండి: 'కశ్మీర్​లో మూడు వందల ప్రత్యేక టెలిఫోన్లు'

New York, 10 August 2019
1. Push in on "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" poster at immersive exhibit
2. Alex Borstein and Rachel Brosnahan posing with guests at exhibit
3. Show fashion display
4. Rachel Brosnahan posing for photographers
5. Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino posing for photographers
6. Rachel Brosnahan talking to reporter
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Rachel Brosnahan/Actress, on the upcoming season:
"So, season three is on the road. You see at the end of last season Shy Baldwin asks Midge to go on tour. The tone, you know, it's never not 'Maisel.' So, it's colorful and bright and fast-paced filled with energy and hope and joy. But in this season, Midge matures a little bit more than we've ever seen her mature before. That's my tease. That's about all I can give away."
(Reporter: "So, Midge matures…")
Rachel Brosnahan: "Yeah"
(Reporter: "Sterling K. Brown joins the cast, what can you tell me about him?")
Rachel Brosnahan: "Oh man, absolutely. Nothing other than that he's fantastic and we're so lucky to have him. I've been so excited from the minute I heard he was joining. Before then, I wanted him to join us and it's been thrilling."
8. Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino talking to reporter
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Amy Sherman-Palladino/Showrunner and Daniel Palladino/Show Executive:
Sherman-Palladino: "Oh…"
Daniel Palladino: "Well, he was..."
Amy Sherman-Palladino: "He was so lovely. He bounded up to us at a ceremony…"
Daniel Palladino: "… at a function, and he was really, really nice about it and we were, you know, I think, you know, we basically wrote this role for him. We needed - we had a role that needed like a real, like heavy lifter, and there aren't that many. There's a lot of great character actors and we work with a lot of them here in New York, but like, every once in a while you need to wait for a real like - wait for a certain kind of character for certain amount of scenes. We couldn't get him for as many scenes as we wanted to because he was extremely busy doing other stuff."
Amy Sherman-Palladino: "Some other show…"
Daniel Palladino: "That is Them."
Amy Sherman-Palladino: "Whatever it's called."
Daniel Palladino: "I don't know what it's called. I don't think anyone's seen it. "
Amy Sherman-Palladino: "No, I don't think so. It hasn't caught on yet."
Daniel Palladino: "But we had him in. He was amazing to work with. He's, he's like a true pro. He was a fan. We were a fan of his. So, it was cool, it was great."
Amy Sherman-Palladino: "It was a fun energy to have around."
10. Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino talking to reporter
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Amy Sherman-Palladino/Showrunner, on what to expect in season three:
"They're all still alive. There are no zombies. Nobody flies. You know, we - our show is about a woman whose life constantly expands and when her life blew apart and expanded, it pushed everybody in her stratosphere off course and into a different direction. So, season three is even more - now we're seeing how everybody is sort of trying to get like a new trajectory and Abe and Rose have to figure out what is that life, and where are they going to live and be and exist. Joel has got to like to figure out, you know, yes he caused this, but what's his next step. And so, it's - we get to explore a lot of that and - and see, you know, our two girls go on the road and see what that experience is like, which is really fun. So, there's a lot. It's big. It's a big season."
Daniel Palladino: "It's not small."
12. Alex Borstein talking to reporter
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Alex Borstein/Actress, on the new season:
"Season three is very intense as an actor. There's a lot of big scenes. A lot of massive, massive scenes and long hours and a lot of dialogue, the Palladino style. But yeah, there's a lot at stake. Susie's kind of branching out. Susie does not want to fail. Midge does not want to fail. And they're - they're betting everything on each other."
14. Rachel Brosnahan talking to reporter
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Rachel Brosnahan/Actress, on coming back after a prosperous award-season run:
(Reporter: "Is that like a special kind of high that you're on that momentum that you're riding or is it a lot of pressure?")
"Both. We feel so lucky. I mean this has been crazy. We're a part of this show in the golden age of television, so they say, that has caught wind and has found an audience. And we've all been a part of shows that we have loved so dearly and haven't found the same kind of success. So, the accolades have been amazing because it's not only honoring the work that we do, but hopefully meaning that we can stick around a little bit longer. It's been phenomenal, but certainly we feel the pressure to continue to deliver to our audience that has continued to help us grow and expects a lot from us."
14. Tony Shalhoub talking to reporter
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Tony Shalhoub/Actor, on coming back after a prosperous award-season run:
"On the one hand, it is an enormous amount of momentum. And on the other hand, there's a certain amount of pressure. We feel those headwinds to either sustain the level that we achieved in the first two seasons, or just surpass it."
16. Ladies sitting in Katz's Deli set
17. Pull out on Catskills beauty parlor set
While Rachel Brosnahan can't divulge any secrets about the new season of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," she did shed some light on what to expect from Midge.
"Season three is on the road. You see at the end of last season Shy Baldwin asks Midge to go on tour. The tone, you know, it's never not 'Maisel.' So, it's colorful and bright and fast-paced filled with energy and hope and joy. But in this season, Midge matures a little bit more than we've seen her mature before. That's my tease. That's about all I can give away," Brosnahan said.
Even though the new season doesn't premiere until early December, the cast of the Amazon Original series was on hand Saturday night (10AUG2019) at the Paley Center in New York for an interactive display showing some of the sets from last season.
"Making Maisel Marvelous" features sets from last season, including the B. Altman switchboard, Rose's Paris apartment, the booth from the Stage Deli, and others.
A highlight for the upcoming season will feature Sterling K. Brown in a role that's also hush-hush.
But Brosnahan did express joy that he was added to the cast.
"I've been so excited from the minute I heard he was joining. Before then, I wanted him to join us and it's been thrilling," Brosnahan said.
Series creators Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino said that Brown approached them at an event about the show, and he was perfect for the role, whatever that may be.
"There's a lot of great character actors and we work with a lot of them here in New York, but like, every once in a while you need to wait for a real like - wait for a certain kind of character for certain amount of scenes. We couldn't get them for as many scenes as we wanted to because he was extremely doing other stuff," Palladino said.
Sherman-Palladino was mum on the plot for the new season, but was happy to offer some basic facts.
"They're all still alive. There are no zombies. Nobody flies," she said.
Then she eeked out a little more.
"Our show is about a woman whose life constantly expands and when her life blew apart and expanded, it pushed everybody in her stratosphere off course and into a different direction. So, season three is even more," she said.
Alex Borstein sounded excited about the direction we could expect for Susie.
"There's a lot of big scenes. A lot of massive, massive scenes and long hours and a lot of dialogue, the Palladino style. But yeah, there's a lot at stake. Susie's kind of branching out. Susie does not want to fail. Midge does not want to fail. And they're - they're betting everything on each other," Borstein said.
Borstein took home an Emmy for her troubles last season.
After taking home an Emmy, Golden Globes, and SAG, there's truly a lot at stake for Brosnahan. But she welcomes the challenge.
"The accolades have been amazing because it's not only honoring the work that we do, but hopefully meaning that we can stick around a little bit longer. It's been phenomenal, but certainly we feel the pressure to continue to deliver to our audience that has continued to help us grow and expects a lot from us," Brosnahan said.
Tony Shalhoub, who enjoyed the same love last awards seasons, spoke of balancing the accolades with the expectation for the new season.
"On the one hand, it is an enormous amount of momentum. And on the other hand, there's a certain amount of the pressure. We feel those headwinds to either sustain the level that we achieved in the first two seasons, or just surpass it."
The new season premieres in December on Amazon.
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Last Updated : Sep 26, 2019, 5:06 PM IST
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