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'ఉగ్రవాదంపై భారత్​-రష్యా ఉమ్మడి పోరు'

భారత్​-రష్యాల మధ్య పరస్పర సైనిక సహకారంపై 2020లో చర్చలు జరగనున్నాయని సోవియట్​ రాయబారి నికోలాయ్​ కుడాషేవ్​ అన్నారు. పరస్పర సహకారంతో ఉగ్రవాద నిరోధక చర్యలు తీసుకుంటామని స్పష్టం చేశారు.

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Published : Dec 24, 2019, 5:02 AM IST

Updated : Dec 24, 2019, 8:05 AM IST

Russia and India will further develop military dialogue
ఉగ్రవాదంపై భారత్​-రష్యా ఉమ్మడి పోరు

భారత్, రష్యాల మధ్య ద్వైపాక్షిక సంబంధాలు మరింత బలోపేతం కానున్నాయని సోవియట్​ రాయబారి నికోలాయ్ కుడాషేవ్​ అన్నారు. 2020లో ఇరుదేశాల మధ్య పరస్పర సైనిక సహకారం, ఉగ్రవాద నిరోధక చర్యలపై నిర్మాణాత్మక చర్చలు జరుగుతాయని ఆయన పేర్కొన్నారు.

బ్రిక్స్​, ఎస్​సీఓ, ఆర్​ఐసీలు రూపొందించిన నిబంధనల మేరకు భారత్​-రష్యాల మధ్య ఈ సైనిక సహకారం, ఉగ్రవాద నిరోధక చర్యలపై చర్చలు జరుగనున్నాయని నికోలాయ్ తెలిపారు. త్వరలోనే యురేషియా ఎకనామిక్​ యూనియన్​- భారత్​ మధ్య స్వేచ్ఛా వాణిజ్య ఒప్పందం జరగాలని రష్యా ఆశిస్తున్నట్లు ఆయన పేర్కొన్నారు. అంతర్జాతీయ ప్రవర్తన నియమాల అనుసారం.. భారత్​, రష్యాలు పరస్పర గౌరవంతో మెలుగుతాయని అన్నారు. ఒకరి దేశీయ అంతర్గత విషయాల్లో మరొకటి జోక్యం చేసుకోదని ఆయన స్పష్టం చేశారు.

భారత్, రష్యాల మధ్య ద్వైపాక్షిక సంబంధాలు మరింత బలోపేతం కానున్నాయని సోవియట్​ రాయబారి నికోలాయ్ కుడాషేవ్​ అన్నారు. 2020లో ఇరుదేశాల మధ్య పరస్పర సైనిక సహకారం, ఉగ్రవాద నిరోధక చర్యలపై నిర్మాణాత్మక చర్చలు జరుగుతాయని ఆయన పేర్కొన్నారు.

బ్రిక్స్​, ఎస్​సీఓ, ఆర్​ఐసీలు రూపొందించిన నిబంధనల మేరకు భారత్​-రష్యాల మధ్య ఈ సైనిక సహకారం, ఉగ్రవాద నిరోధక చర్యలపై చర్చలు జరుగనున్నాయని నికోలాయ్ తెలిపారు. త్వరలోనే యురేషియా ఎకనామిక్​ యూనియన్​- భారత్​ మధ్య స్వేచ్ఛా వాణిజ్య ఒప్పందం జరగాలని రష్యా ఆశిస్తున్నట్లు ఆయన పేర్కొన్నారు. అంతర్జాతీయ ప్రవర్తన నియమాల అనుసారం.. భారత్​, రష్యాలు పరస్పర గౌరవంతో మెలుగుతాయని అన్నారు. ఒకరి దేశీయ అంతర్గత విషయాల్లో మరొకటి జోక్యం చేసుకోదని ఆయన స్పష్టం చేశారు.

ఇదీ చూడండి: బోయింగ్ ​ నూతన సీఈవోగా డేవిడ్​ కాల్హూన్​

1. Film trailer - "Just Mercy"
New York, 15 December 2019
2. SOUNDBITE (English), Michael B. Jordan, actor, on importance of the film and recent media attention on Texas death row inmate Rodney Reed:
"It's so important because it's something that's been going on for a really long time. I mean, you just compared a story from 30-plus years ago to something that's happening two weeks ago, you know. So it's still happening today. It's going continue to, you know, to happen. So to be able to start the conversation in a real way, to try to capitalize on that momentum that we have right now with Social media, you've got celebrities, other people with followers, with a following, with a platform who are getting behind these individual causes that are trying to force some type of change. But that's kind of reactive. You know, we need a proactive approach to things. We need something that's not just an emotional reaction to an individual situation, and look at the entire scope of it and be like, 'How can I be involved in changing the system? How can I be involved in changing what judges are sitting where? What policies are being put in place?' That's the real fix. We're putting band-aids right now on open wounds."
3. Film trailer - "Just Mercy"
New York, 15 December 2019
4. SOUNDBITE (English), Jamie Foxx, actor, on what he'd tell his large cross over fan base who assume because someone is on death row they must be guilty:
"A lot of times, people who get in our position with these types of issues and things like that, they want you to run away from them because, 'Well, it doesn't have the brand and (blah blah blah).' But thanks to young folk like Michael B. Jordan and young folk in the social media world, thank God that it's in. Thank God that to be able to speak about being black is not something that you have to tuck your blackness in. Or tuck this—tuck what's actually going on in? Anybody else would. If you see Jewish or whatever other—they speak their truth. Sometimes (society) tries to get us to not speak ours. But like I said, I think what Michael B. Jordan is doing with this is continuing to speak truth beyond whatever circumstance we're in."
5. Film clip - "Just Mercy" - They Set My Date
New York, 15 December 2019
6. SOUNDBITE (English), Brie Larson, actress, on Jamie Foxx helping the cast get through heavy moments during filming:
"You won't be able to sustain yourself and ultimately, you won't even be able to give the performance that you need to give because if you're just rolling around in things that are dark and difficult, it's just too much—too taxing on your body. When I think about those heavier days, I think of Jamie and I think about the way that he would carry us through the times when the camera wasn't rolling, whether it was he always had a speaker, whether he's playing music or making a joke about himself or the situation or telling a story, he is just—it's all of those things. His skill-set all come into one in those moments: the entertainer, the musician, the deep knowledge of acting—all that comes together and he knows how to sort of carry that energy through."
7. Film clip - "Just Mercy" - I Was In Before He Offered Me the Job
New York, 15 December 2019
8. SOUNDBITE (English), Brie Larson, actress, on choosing film roles as an Academy Award-winner:
"Oh, I don't really identify with the like Oscar winner thing. I just am still a person trying to be the best actor I can be. I just want to be of service and I want to make movies that bring on interesting conversations and allow people to question the very fabric of our reality. So of course, this (film) fits that."
9. Film clip - "Just Mercy" - Your Life is Still Meaningful
New York, 15 December 2019
10. SOUNDBITE (English), Bryan Stevenson, founder, Equal Justice Initiative/executive producer, on seeing himself portrayed in film:
"Well, it was kind of terrifying at first because I haven't always seen Hollywood adaptions of books turn out in a way that I would be happy with, and I was really concerned about that. I wanted the story to reach more people, but I wanted to make sure we preserve the integrity and the truth-telling. And after meeting Michael (B. Jordan) and spending time with him, you know, he's an amazingly talented actor. But he's also really committed to these issues. And that gave me some hope, some confidence. And then Jamie (Foxx) and Brie (Larson) were also really committed to talking about these issues. Brie's been really active on issues of equality and inclusion. And then Destin (Daniel Cretton, director) just kind of made me feel hopeful about what we could do. And it's been a real journey. We had to work hard—there were times when there had to be some kind of real attention given to making sure we kept it true and honest. But I'm enormously proud of the film and really happy that this is gonna get out into the world."
11. Film clip - "Just Mercy" - You The Lawyer
New York, 15 December 2019
12. SOUNDBITE (English), Bryan Stevenson, founder, Equal Justice Initiative/executive producer, on film and TV helping sensitivity to wrongful conviction cases:
"Storytelling is so persuasive, it's so compelling. You're not allowed to hide behind the crime. You have to look at the person, and that's been true for a whole host of issues. We've moved the needle on domestic violence in this country through storytelling. '(The) Burning Bed' was this film made—it starred Farrah Fawcett—that did an extraordinary job to change the conversation about how we think about domestic violence. We've had other films that have changed the conversation. You know, the progress we're making on issues of gender have been fueled by storytelling about the plight of women in American society. And so I think cinema has a critical role to play. Storytelling has a critical role to play if we're going to get to a place where we're more committed to fairness and justice when it comes to criminal justice."
13. Film trailer - "Just Mercy"
"Just Mercy" is the real story of civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson, played by Michael B. Jordan, and his fight to keep an innocent black man, Walter McMillian, played by Jamie Foxx, from being executed. Though it portrays events more than 25 years ago, it is very much a film of 2019.
The movie comes on the heels of Texas death row inmate Rodney Reed earning a stay of execution after new evidence cast doubt on his conviction, with celebrities and social media uses alike rallying around Reed.
"It's so important because it's something that's been going on for a really long time. I mean, you just compared a story from 30-plus years ago to something that's happening two weeks ago, you know. So it's still happening today," said Jordan. "We need a proactive approach to things. We need something that's not just an emotional reaction to an individual situation, and look at the entire scope of it and be like, 'How can I be involved in changing the system? How can I be involved in changing what judges are sitting where? What policies are being put in place?' That's the real fix. We're putting Band-Aids right now on open wounds."
Foxx said that while black men in his position are often encouraged to stay away from politically sensitive issues, young people are helping change that thought.
"A lot of times, people who get in our position with these types of issues and things like that, they want you to run away from them because, 'Well, it doesn't help the brand and (blah blah blah).' But thanks to young folk like Michael B. Jordan and young folk in the social media world, thank God that it's in. Thank God that to be able to speak about being black is not something that you have to tuck your blackness in," said Foxx. "I think what Michael B. Jordan is doing with this is continuing to speak truth beyond whatever circumstance we're in."
The film follows one Stevenson's first case, of which McMillian, a black pulpwood worker, is sentenced to death for the 1986 fatal shooting of an 18-year-old white woman. Stevenson was able to prove that a key witness had lied and prosecutors withheld important evidence. Brie Larson, who plays Stevenson's assistant, said that when there were heavy days of filming, the cast leaned on Foxx's talents.
"When I think about those heavier days, I think of Jamie and I think about the way that he would carry us through the times when the camera wasn't rolling, whether it was he always had a speaker, whether he's playing music or making a joke about himself or the situation or telling a story," said Larson. "His skill-set all come into one in those moments: the entertainer, the musician, the deep knowledge of acting—all that comes together and he knows how to sort of carry that energy through."
But for the real Bryan Stevenson, who founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal organization that has successfully challenged the death row convictions of more than 130 inmates, his main concern was making sure the film was accurate.
"It was kind of terrifying at first because I haven't always seen Hollywood adaptions of books turn out in a way that I would be happy with, and I was really concerned about that. I wanted the story to reach more people, but I wanted to make sure we preserve the integrity and the truth-telling," he said. "There were times when there had to be some kind of real attention given to making sure we kept it true and honest. But I'm enormously proud of the film and really happy that this is gonna get out into the world."
Stevenson, who was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey on CBS This Morning earlier this year for the work the EJI contributed in creating a new memorial in remembrance of southern black lynching victims, believes the eyes have the power to change minds.
"Storytelling is so persuasive, it's so compelling. You're not allowed to hide behind the crime. You have to look at the person, and that's been true for a whole host of issues. We've moved the needle on domestic violence in this country through storytelling. '(The) Burning Bed' was this film made—it starred Farrah Fawcett—that did an extraordinary job to change the conversation about how we think about domestic violence," he said. "Storytelling has a critical role to play if we're going to get to a place where we're more committed to fairness and justice when it comes to criminal justice."
"Just Mercy" will have a limited release on Christmas Day before hitting theaters on 10 January 2020.
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Last Updated : Dec 24, 2019, 8:05 AM IST
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