নিউজ ডেস্ক, 15 আগষ্টঃ অভিনন্দনক আকাশমাৰ্গত পথ দেখুওৱা মিন্টী আগৰৱালে সংবাদ মাধ্যমৰ আগত প্ৰকাশ কৰে নিজৰ অভিজ্ঞতা ৷ পুলৱামা আক্ৰমণৰ প্ৰতিশোধ ল'বলৈ ভাৰতীয় বায়ুসেনাই সংঘটিত কৰা এয়াৰ ষ্ট্ৰাইকৰ সময়তে সংবাদ মাধ্যমত হিৰো হৈ পৰিছিল উইং কামাণ্ডাৰ অভিনন্দন বৰ্থমান ৷ ভাৰতীয় বায়ুসেনাই 26 আৰু 27 ফেব্ৰুৱাৰীত বালাকোটত সংঘটিত কৰা এয়াৰ ষ্ট্ৰাইকৰ সময়ত সমগ্ৰ এয়াৰ ট্ৰেফিক মুভমেন্ট নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰিছিল ভাৰতীয় বায়ুসেনাৰ এয়াৰ ট্ৰেফিক কন্ট্ৰ'লাৰ, স্কোৱাড্ৰন লিডাৰ মিন্টী আগৰৱালে ৷ মিন্টী আগৰৱালৰ সাহসিকতাৰ বাবেই ভাৰতৰ ৰাষ্ট্ৰপতিয়ে প্ৰদান কৰে যুদ্ধ সেৱা মেডেল ৷
Minty Agarwal, IAF Squadron leader: From the time Wing Commander Abhinandan was airborne I was the one who was providing him the air situation picture. The situation awareness was passed by me to him about the posture of enemy aircraft. (2/2) https://t.co/JZ8MlSkhU8
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Minty Agarwal, IAF Squadron leader: From the time Wing Commander Abhinandan was airborne I was the one who was providing him the air situation picture. The situation awareness was passed by me to him about the posture of enemy aircraft. (2/2) https://t.co/JZ8MlSkhU8
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019Minty Agarwal, IAF Squadron leader: From the time Wing Commander Abhinandan was airborne I was the one who was providing him the air situation picture. The situation awareness was passed by me to him about the posture of enemy aircraft. (2/2) https://t.co/JZ8MlSkhU8
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019
#WATCH: Minty Agarwal, IAF Squadron leader says, "F16 was taken down by Wing Commander Abhinandan, that was a situation of intense battle. The situation was very flexible. There were multiple aircraft of enemy and our fighter aircraft were countering them all along the axis." pic.twitter.com/n4s2p8h1EK
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">#WATCH: Minty Agarwal, IAF Squadron leader says, "F16 was taken down by Wing Commander Abhinandan, that was a situation of intense battle. The situation was very flexible. There were multiple aircraft of enemy and our fighter aircraft were countering them all along the axis." pic.twitter.com/n4s2p8h1EK
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019#WATCH: Minty Agarwal, IAF Squadron leader says, "F16 was taken down by Wing Commander Abhinandan, that was a situation of intense battle. The situation was very flexible. There were multiple aircraft of enemy and our fighter aircraft were countering them all along the axis." pic.twitter.com/n4s2p8h1EK
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019
Minty Agarwal:We had few aircraft which were stationed as air defence measure&we subsequently scrambled additional aircraft to counter them(Pak aircraft).They came with an intention of destruction but because of competency of our pilots,controllers&team their mission was thwarted https://t.co/zBPGeD4iIE
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Minty Agarwal:We had few aircraft which were stationed as air defence measure&we subsequently scrambled additional aircraft to counter them(Pak aircraft).They came with an intention of destruction but because of competency of our pilots,controllers&team their mission was thwarted https://t.co/zBPGeD4iIE
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019Minty Agarwal:We had few aircraft which were stationed as air defence measure&we subsequently scrambled additional aircraft to counter them(Pak aircraft).They came with an intention of destruction but because of competency of our pilots,controllers&team their mission was thwarted https://t.co/zBPGeD4iIE
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019
Minty Agarwal,Sqn Ldr,IAF who operated as flight controller during Pakistan's retaliation to IAF's Balakot airstrike:On 26 Feb we successfully carried out Balakot mission over non-military camps.We were expecting retaliation,we were extra ready & they retaliated in just 24 hours. pic.twitter.com/9ZKEnCcum6
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Minty Agarwal,Sqn Ldr,IAF who operated as flight controller during Pakistan's retaliation to IAF's Balakot airstrike:On 26 Feb we successfully carried out Balakot mission over non-military camps.We were expecting retaliation,we were extra ready & they retaliated in just 24 hours. pic.twitter.com/9ZKEnCcum6
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019Minty Agarwal,Sqn Ldr,IAF who operated as flight controller during Pakistan's retaliation to IAF's Balakot airstrike:On 26 Feb we successfully carried out Balakot mission over non-military camps.We were expecting retaliation,we were extra ready & they retaliated in just 24 hours. pic.twitter.com/9ZKEnCcum6
— ANI (@ANI) August 15, 2019
ভাৰতৰ ৰাষ্ট্ৰপতিৰ পৰা যুদ্ধ সেৱা মেডেল লাভ কৰাৰ পিচতে নিজৰ প্ৰতিক্ৰিয়া প্ৰকাশ কৰে ভাৰতীয় বায়ুসেনাৰ বিষয়া, স্কোৱাড্ৰন লিডাৰ মিন্টী আগৰৱালে ৷ ভাৰতীয় বায়ুসেনাই বালাকোটত সংঘটিত কৰা সমগ্ৰ অভিযানটোৰ দুঃসাহসিক মূহুৰ্তৰ বৰ্ণনা দিয়ে স্কোৱাড্ৰন লিডাৰ মিন্টী আগৰৱালে ৷ উল্লেখ্য যে, পুলৱামা আক্ৰমণৰ পিচতে চলিত বৰ্ষৰ 26 আৰু 27 ফেব্ৰুৱাৰীত ভাৰতীয় বায়ুসেনাই বালাকোটত সংঘটিত কৰিছিল এয়াৰ ষ্ট্ৰাইক ৷ এয়াৰ ষ্ট্ৰাইকৰ সময়তে আমেৰিকাত নিৰ্মিত পাকিস্তানী বায়ুসেনাৰ এখন F-16 বিমান ভূপতিত কৰিছিল ভাৰতীয় বায়ুসেনাৰ উইং কামাণ্ডাৰ অভিনন্দন বৰ্থমানে ৷ অভিনন্দন বৰ্থমানৰ লগতে সমগ্ৰ অভিযানটোত অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰিছিল উইং কামাণ্ডাৰ অমিত ৰঞ্জন, স্কোৱাড্ৰন লিডাৰ ৰাহুল বাছোয়া, স্কোৱাড্ৰন লিডাৰ পঙ্কজ ভূজাড়ে, স্কোৱাড্ৰন লিডাৰ বিকেএন ৰেড্ডী আৰু স্কোৱাড্ৰন লিডাৰ শশাংক সিঙে ৷ অভিনন্দনলৈ বীৰ চক্ৰ পুৰস্কাৰ আগবঢ়োৱাৰ লগতে বাকীকেইগৰাকী বায়ুসেনা বিষয়া তথা পাইলটক বায়ু সেনা মেডেল (বীৰত্ব) পুৰস্কাৰ আগবঢ়োৱা হয় ৷