नई दिल्ली: पटियाला के राष्ट्रीय खेल संस्थान (एनआईएस) के हॉस्टल में एथलेटिक्स कोच निकोलाई शेन्सारेव के अचानक निधन से खेल जगत स्तब्ध है. वह 72 वर्ष के थे.
टोक्यो ओलंपिक को मद्देनजर रखते हुए बेलारूस के निकोलाई शेन्सारेव को खेल मंत्रालय द्वारा सितंबर तक मध्यम और लंबी दूरी के कोच के रूप में नियुक्त किए गया था.
पटियाला में बेलारूसी एथलेटिक्स कोच निकोलाई का निधन
एथलेटिक्स फेडरेशन ऑफ इंडिया (एएफआई) के अध्यक्ष आदिल जे. सुमरीवाला ने निकोलाई के निधन की पुष्टि की.
AFI is deeply shocked to learn about the sudden demise of recently appointed middle-long distance coach Dr. Nikolai Snesarev in Patiala- Adille J Sumariwalla, AFI President. Detailed statement shortly.
— Athletics Federation of India (@afiindia) March 5, 2021 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">AFI is deeply shocked to learn about the sudden demise of recently appointed middle-long distance coach Dr. Nikolai Snesarev in Patiala- Adille J Sumariwalla, AFI President. Detailed statement shortly.
— Athletics Federation of India (@afiindia) March 5, 2021AFI is deeply shocked to learn about the sudden demise of recently appointed middle-long distance coach Dr. Nikolai Snesarev in Patiala- Adille J Sumariwalla, AFI President. Detailed statement shortly.
— Athletics Federation of India (@afiindia) March 5, 2021
सुमरीवाल ने एक बयान में कहा, पटियाला में हाल ही में नियुक्त मध्यम दूरी के कोच डॉ. निकोलाई शेन्सारेव के अचानक निधन के बारे में जानने के बाद एएफआई को गहरा धक्का लगा है.
भारत की दिग्गज धावक पी. टी. उषा ने ट्वीट कर बेलारूसी कोच के निधन पर शोक जताया है.
Saddened to learn about the sudden demise of middle-long distance coach Dr. Nikolai Snesarev in Patiala. My heartfelt condolences to his family and well wishers, may his soul rest in peace. pic.twitter.com/OfGfik9oua
— P.T. USHA (@PTUshaOfficial) March 5, 2021 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Saddened to learn about the sudden demise of middle-long distance coach Dr. Nikolai Snesarev in Patiala. My heartfelt condolences to his family and well wishers, may his soul rest in peace. pic.twitter.com/OfGfik9oua
— P.T. USHA (@PTUshaOfficial) March 5, 2021Saddened to learn about the sudden demise of middle-long distance coach Dr. Nikolai Snesarev in Patiala. My heartfelt condolences to his family and well wishers, may his soul rest in peace. pic.twitter.com/OfGfik9oua
— P.T. USHA (@PTUshaOfficial) March 5, 2021
केंद्रीय खेल मंत्री किरण रिजूजू ने टिवटर पर कहा, "मध्य और लंबी दूरी के कोच निकोलाई सनेसरेव के निधन के बारे में जानकर मुझे गहरा दुख हुआ है. वह एक महान कोच रहे हैं और 2005 से भारत के साथ जुड़ने के दौरान कई पदक विजेताओं की मदद की. उनके परिवार और पूरे एथलेटिक्स जगत के प्रति मेरी संवेदना."
I'm deeply saddened to learn about the sad demise of middle and long distance running coach Nikolai Snesarev. He has been a great coach and helped many medal winners during his association with India since 2005. My condolences to his family and the entire athletics fraternity🙏 pic.twitter.com/seOW3uJBCC
— Kiren Rijiju (@KirenRijiju) March 5, 2021 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">I'm deeply saddened to learn about the sad demise of middle and long distance running coach Nikolai Snesarev. He has been a great coach and helped many medal winners during his association with India since 2005. My condolences to his family and the entire athletics fraternity🙏 pic.twitter.com/seOW3uJBCC
— Kiren Rijiju (@KirenRijiju) March 5, 2021I'm deeply saddened to learn about the sad demise of middle and long distance running coach Nikolai Snesarev. He has been a great coach and helped many medal winners during his association with India since 2005. My condolences to his family and the entire athletics fraternity🙏 pic.twitter.com/seOW3uJBCC
— Kiren Rijiju (@KirenRijiju) March 5, 2021
नई दिल्ली में भारतीय खेल प्राधिकरण के महानिदेशक संदीप प्रधान ने एक बयान में कहा, यह डॉक्टर की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार एक स्वाभाविक मौत है. पुलिस को सूचित कर दिया गया है.
SAI is shocked to learn about the sudden & untimely death of middle and long distance running coach Nikolai Snesarev. He coached many medal winners during his association with India which started in 2005. Our heartfelt condolences to his family & the entire athletics fraternity. pic.twitter.com/vod8IhCthh
— SAIMedia (@Media_SAI) March 5, 2021 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">SAI is shocked to learn about the sudden & untimely death of middle and long distance running coach Nikolai Snesarev. He coached many medal winners during his association with India which started in 2005. Our heartfelt condolences to his family & the entire athletics fraternity. pic.twitter.com/vod8IhCthh
— SAIMedia (@Media_SAI) March 5, 2021SAI is shocked to learn about the sudden & untimely death of middle and long distance running coach Nikolai Snesarev. He coached many medal winners during his association with India which started in 2005. Our heartfelt condolences to his family & the entire athletics fraternity. pic.twitter.com/vod8IhCthh
— SAIMedia (@Media_SAI) March 5, 2021