मुंबई : गुरु पूर्णिमा के अवसर पर रविवार के दिन अमिताभ बच्चन, रवीना टंडन, मनोज बाजपेयी और निमरत कौर जैसी कई मशहूर हस्तियों ने अपने शिक्षकों और गुरुओं के प्रति आभार व्यक्त किया.
सेलिब्रिटीज ने इस मौके पर सोशल मीडिया पर पोस्ट साझा कीं.
अमिताभ बच्चन : गुरु पूर्णिमा पर बधाई . हमारे बड़ों और गुरुजनों का आशीर्वाद हमारे साथ है.
T 3583 - Greetings on Guru Purnima .. and may the blessings of our elders our teachers, ever remain with us .. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/xIibKjSu1J
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) July 4, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">T 3583 - Greetings on Guru Purnima .. and may the blessings of our elders our teachers, ever remain with us .. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/xIibKjSu1J
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) July 4, 2020T 3583 - Greetings on Guru Purnima .. and may the blessings of our elders our teachers, ever remain with us .. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/xIibKjSu1J
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) July 4, 2020
महानायक ने अपने पिता, दिवंगत कवि हरिवंश राय बच्चन की एक तस्वीर भी इंस्टाग्राम पर साझा की.
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मनोज बाजपेयी : गुरु पूर्णिमा के अवसर पर मैं अपने सभी गुरुओं को नमन करता हूं, जिन्होंने मुझे एक स्पष्ट दिशा दी जिनके बिना मैं उद्देश्यहीन इंसान होता!
On the occasion of GURU PURNIMA I bow down to all my Gurus who shaped me and gave me a clear direction without which I would have been a lost man with no knowledge and purpose!!!🙏🙏
— manoj bajpayee (@BajpayeeManoj) July 5, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">On the occasion of GURU PURNIMA I bow down to all my Gurus who shaped me and gave me a clear direction without which I would have been a lost man with no knowledge and purpose!!!🙏🙏
— manoj bajpayee (@BajpayeeManoj) July 5, 2020On the occasion of GURU PURNIMA I bow down to all my Gurus who shaped me and gave me a clear direction without which I would have been a lost man with no knowledge and purpose!!!🙏🙏
— manoj bajpayee (@BajpayeeManoj) July 5, 2020
सुभाष घई : गुरु पूर्णिमा. गुरु शब्द दो संस्कृत शब्दों 'अगु'+ 'रु' से आया है. 'गु' का अर्थ है अज्ञान या अंधकार और 'रु' का अर्थ है अंधकार को हटाना. गुरु हमें सही चीजें सिखाकर और हमें सही राह दिखाकर हमारे जीवन से अंधकार को दूर करते हैं.
— Subhash Ghai (@SubhashGhai1) July 5, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
The word guru comes from the two Sanskrit words ‘gu’+’ru’. Gu' means ignorance or darkness and 'ru' means the removal of darkness. Gurus are named so because they remove the darkness from our lives by teaching us the right things and showing us the right path😇🙏 pic.twitter.com/jN4M7QU3Dn
— Subhash Ghai (@SubhashGhai1) July 5, 2020
The word guru comes from the two Sanskrit words ‘gu’+’ru’. Gu' means ignorance or darkness and 'ru' means the removal of darkness. Gurus are named so because they remove the darkness from our lives by teaching us the right things and showing us the right path😇🙏 pic.twitter.com/jN4M7QU3DnGURU PURNIMA 🙏🏽
— Subhash Ghai (@SubhashGhai1) July 5, 2020
The word guru comes from the two Sanskrit words ‘gu’+’ru’. Gu' means ignorance or darkness and 'ru' means the removal of darkness. Gurus are named so because they remove the darkness from our lives by teaching us the right things and showing us the right path😇🙏 pic.twitter.com/jN4M7QU3Dn
कुणाल कोहली : एकलव्य की तरह मेरे गुरुओं ने मुझे सीधे तौर पर नहीं सिखाया लेकिन मुझे सब कुछ सिखाया. यश चोपड़ा, गुरु दत्त, राज खोसला, राज कपूर, मनोज कुमार, विजय आनंद, सुभाष घई, महेश भट्ट और शेखर कपूर.
#GuruPurnima like eklavya I had gurus who didn’t directly teach me but yet taught me everything. Yash Chopra. Guru Dutt. Raj Khosla. Raj Kapoor. Manoj Kumar. Vijay Anand. Subhash Ghai. @MaheshNBhatt @shekharkapur
— kunal kohli (@kunalkohli) July 5, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">#GuruPurnima like eklavya I had gurus who didn’t directly teach me but yet taught me everything. Yash Chopra. Guru Dutt. Raj Khosla. Raj Kapoor. Manoj Kumar. Vijay Anand. Subhash Ghai. @MaheshNBhatt @shekharkapur
— kunal kohli (@kunalkohli) July 5, 2020#GuruPurnima like eklavya I had gurus who didn’t directly teach me but yet taught me everything. Yash Chopra. Guru Dutt. Raj Khosla. Raj Kapoor. Manoj Kumar. Vijay Anand. Subhash Ghai. @MaheshNBhatt @shekharkapur
— kunal kohli (@kunalkohli) July 5, 2020
निमरत कौर : मैं अपने सभी लोगों के लिए आभारी हूं जो हमेशा मुझे प्रेरित करते हैं, उदाहरण के जरिए मुझे सिखाते हैं और मुझे आशीर्वाद देते हैं.
Eternally grateful for all the learnings from my loved ones who continue to inspire,teach by example and bless me with their unending warmth and care day upon day. In awe of the the way this great human pause of life, has been our most prolific teacher and guide.✨🌕#GuruPurnima pic.twitter.com/DKpfCECoVZ
— Nimrat Kaur (@NimratOfficial) July 4, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Eternally grateful for all the learnings from my loved ones who continue to inspire,teach by example and bless me with their unending warmth and care day upon day. In awe of the the way this great human pause of life, has been our most prolific teacher and guide.✨🌕#GuruPurnima pic.twitter.com/DKpfCECoVZ
— Nimrat Kaur (@NimratOfficial) July 4, 2020Eternally grateful for all the learnings from my loved ones who continue to inspire,teach by example and bless me with their unending warmth and care day upon day. In awe of the the way this great human pause of life, has been our most prolific teacher and guide.✨🌕#GuruPurnima pic.twitter.com/DKpfCECoVZ
— Nimrat Kaur (@NimratOfficial) July 4, 2020
शमिता शेट्टी : गुरु पूर्णिमा की शुभकामनाएं.
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डिनो मोरिया : गुरु पूर्णिमा की शुभकामनाएं. हम अपने बड़ों, हमारे शिक्षकों और गुरुओं से सीखते रहते हैं, हमेशा उनका सम्मान करें.
Guru purnima greetings 🙏🏼 We learn from our elders, our teachers, our gurus. Respect always 🙌🏼 pic.twitter.com/NDPUMKtS4u
— Dino Morea (@DinoMorea9) July 5, 2020 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Guru purnima greetings 🙏🏼 We learn from our elders, our teachers, our gurus. Respect always 🙌🏼 pic.twitter.com/NDPUMKtS4u
— Dino Morea (@DinoMorea9) July 5, 2020Guru purnima greetings 🙏🏼 We learn from our elders, our teachers, our gurus. Respect always 🙌🏼 pic.twitter.com/NDPUMKtS4u
— Dino Morea (@DinoMorea9) July 5, 2020
इन सितारों के अलावा भी रणदीप हुड्डा, शिल्पा शेट्टी, पापोन और रवीना टंडन ने भी गुरु पूर्णिमा की शुभकामनाएं दीं.