रूपनगर (पंजाब) : पंजाब के रूपनगर जिले में श्री कीरतपुर साहिब के समीप रविवार को एक यात्री ट्रेन की चपेट में आने से तीन बच्चों की मौत हो गयी. पुलिस ने यह जानकारी दी. पुलिस ने बताया कि यह घटना तब हुई जब प्रवासी मजदूरों के चार बच्चे सतलुज नदी पर बने पुल के पास रेलवे ट्रैक के समीप खेल रहे थे.
पुलिस ने कहा कि इस घटना में चौथा बच्चा घायल हो गया और उसे अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है. पुलिस ने कहा कि बच्चों की उम्र सात से 11 वर्ष के बीच है.
Kirtarpur Sahib, Punjab | Three children dead, one injured in a train accident
— ANI (@ANI) November 27, 2022 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
2 children died on spot. One died on way to hospital. 4th one is being treated. Children had come here to eat berries off trees & did not realise a train was approaching them: ASI GRP, Jagjit Singh pic.twitter.com/SWZQQ0f2bu
">Kirtarpur Sahib, Punjab | Three children dead, one injured in a train accident
— ANI (@ANI) November 27, 2022
2 children died on spot. One died on way to hospital. 4th one is being treated. Children had come here to eat berries off trees & did not realise a train was approaching them: ASI GRP, Jagjit Singh pic.twitter.com/SWZQQ0f2buKirtarpur Sahib, Punjab | Three children dead, one injured in a train accident
— ANI (@ANI) November 27, 2022
2 children died on spot. One died on way to hospital. 4th one is being treated. Children had come here to eat berries off trees & did not realise a train was approaching them: ASI GRP, Jagjit Singh pic.twitter.com/SWZQQ0f2bu
ये भी पढ़ें - महाराष्ट्र के चंद्रपुर में रेलवे फुट ओवरब्रिज का हिस्सा गिरा, 13 घायल