Begusarai: In a tragic incident, four members of the same family were charred to death after a massive fire broke out in Begusarai district of Bihar late on Monday night, an official said. The incident took place in ward number 8 of Arwa Panchayat under Bachhwara police station area of the district late on Monday night. While officials did not ascertain the cause of death, it is being said that the fire broke out due to short circuit.
According to family members, when everyone was sleeping at night, the house caught fire due to short circuit. Before the fire could be extinguished, four members of the same family were charred to death by the massive flames, an official said. The deceased have been identified as Neeraj Paswan (33), Kavita Devi (25) and their two young children.
Many nearby huts have also been damaged by fire. Sources said that livestock and other items were burnt to ashes in the fire incident. Pertinently, in November last year, at least 100 persons were injured in a fire incident in Siwan district of Bihar. It can be recalled that the fire had broken out at Sheela Market in Siwan district of Bihar.
The initial sparks emerged from a shop where diesel was stored and soon it engulfed other shops in the market leading to a massive blaze thereby causing panic among the shopkeepers. It is believed that the fire broke out after a firecracker burst in the shop's vicinity leading to injuries to at least 100 people.