Agartala: One person was arrested by Tripura Police, leading to the seizure of 77.45 kg of cannabis, from the Bagbasa area of the Dharmanagar sub-division of North Tripura district on Friday. The accused were traveling in a car and refused to slow it down when cops signaled to halt it, said a police official and added, "one of the accused was nabbed."
"Disaster management mock drills are going on throughout Tripura. During this, a speeding car was signaled to stop near the Bagbasa outpost near Dharmanagar, but it refused to stop and sped away. It subsequently stopped farther away in front of a school, and the driver escaped.
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The passenger, however, was arrested, and 77.45 kg of cannabis, with an estimated market price of around Rs 7 lakh, was seized from the vehicle," Bagbasa Outpost In-Charge Shyama Prasad Das said. The person apprehended has been identified as one Manju Kumar Debbarma, a resident of Ramchandraghat in the state's Khowai district.