Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra on Thursday paid tribute to Captain Vikram Batra on his 47th birth anniversary and said the Kargil war hero will forever stay in the hearts of people. Malhotra, who essayed Captain Batra's role in a recent biopic, penned an emotional note on the war hero's birth anniversary.
They say that those who touch our lives, stay in our hearts forever. And Captain Vikram Batra, you have touched our lives immensely with you valour, wisdom, charm & love for the nation. You will stay in our hearts forever...In your loving memory, Jai Hind. Flag of India, he wrote, alongside a collage photo of Captain Vikram.
Known for his bravery, Captain Vikram died fighting Pakistani forces during the Kargil war in 1999 at the age of 24. He was given the highest wartime gallantry award Param Vir Chakra posthumously. Shershaah, based on the life of Captain Batra with Malholtra in the lead role, recently released on Amazon Prime Video on August 12.
The film, which takes its title from the war hero's codename, is directed by Vishnu Varadhan. Actor Kiara Advani was seen in the role of Captain Batra's fiancee Dimple Cheema in the movie.