Morena: A neighbour allegedly raped and murdered a five-year-old girl in Madhya Pradesh's Morena district on Monday, police said. As per the report, the victim had gone to buy toast from the nearby shop. When she did not return home for the next one-and-half hours, her family members started searching her frantically.
Not finding her anywhere, the family members finally searched the CCTV footage, installed at shops, where a man was seen taking the victim to his house. The accused has been identified as Chhotu Tomar who raped the girl before killing her.
The locals reached Tomar's house and rushed the victim to the District Hospital where she was declared brought dead. Speaking over the matter, Superintendent of Police (SP), Lalit Shakyawar said that a case has been registered against the accused and the operation is underway to nab him.
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