Bengaluru: The Karnataka police on Tuesday arrested two men in Bengaluru in connection with attempting to rape two young women from Kashmir on the pretext of partying. The accused have been identified as Aditya and Ajay. The aggrieved young women and the accused are classmates at a private college in north India and are currently working in different companies in Bengaluru.
According to the police, the incident took place under the limits of Viveknagar police station. The young women managed to escape from the clutches of the accused and lodged a complaint with the police against them. According to the complaint, the accused had invited their female friends to their house for a party on February 5 and they had partied till 2:30 am. When the women were in an inebriated state, the accused friends allegedly tried to rape them.
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The victims somehow managed to lock themselves in the bathroom and spent the whole night there. In the morning, they managed to get out of the house of the accused persons and fled. On Monday morning, they lodged a complaint against the accused at the Vivekanagar police station. Based on the complaint, the Vivekanagar police registered a case and arrested both the accused, Central Division DCP Srinivas Gowda said.
The police said that the accused and victims had studied in the same college in north India and were known to each other. The young women got placements in different companies and were working and the accused men were studying MBA. The police are investigating the case.