Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Parineeti Chopra is on a Maldivian holiday with family. The actor had earlier shared that she is going for a 7-day-long scuba diving stint with her brother Shivang Chopra. The brother-sister duo is living on a boat with 14 other underwater adventure lovers. Keeping her followers updated, the actor has been sharing pictures and videos on her social media handle.
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On Monday, Parineeti shared a couple of videos, wherein she is seen coming out of water donning the scuba diving suit and safety gear. In another video, she gave a little tour of her room and lounge area of the ship. The actor also shared a video of herself enjoying the wind blowing through her hair and gave it a one-word caption, "Zen."
Watch: Parineeti croons Kalank title track with brother, Varun Dhawan has this to say
Parineeti also made headlines for her jugalbandhi with her brother when they nailed Kalank title track and left netizens impressed. The actor is on the Maldives with parents and both her brothers.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actor will next be seen alongside Ranbir Kapoor in Sandeep Reddy Vanga's gangster drama Animal. The film also stars Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol in pivotal roles.