Mumbai: On the special occasion of Raksha Bandhan, actor Alia Bhatt took out time from her busy schedule to tie a rakhi on the tiny wrist of filmmaker Karan Johar's son Yash.
On Raksha Bandhan, Alia and actor Soni Razdan ensured she carried out her sisterly ritual by tying a rakhi on Yash's wrist.
Karan, who became a father to twins Yash and Roohi posted a photograph of Alia and Yash and wrote, "Alia didi!"
Last year too, Alia showed her "big sister love" by celebrating Raksha Bandhan with Yash.
On the work front, Alia will be soon seen in her upcoming film 'Brahmastra' alongside Ranbir Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan which is produced by Karan Johar and directed Ayan Mukerji.