New Delhi: A 28-year-old woman separated from her husband was allegedly gang-raped at a railway station in New Delhi on Thursday after which police arrested four men in the case. According to police sources, the victim, the 28-year-old woman, who separated from her husband for a year, was staying in Faridabad with her family and was introduced to a young man, an employee in the railways.
On Thursday night, he called the woman to the railway station on the pretext of his son's birthday. He took her to a room on platform number 8-9 where three of his other colleagues turned up in an intoxicated state. The woman alleged that two of these accused raped her while two others looked on. After the incident, the man threatened the woman and drove her away. The accused have been identified as Jagdish, Mangal, Vinod and Satish. The railway police arrested the accused and are currently investigating the case.