Hyderabad: Telangana's Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has unearthed disproportionate assets worth over Rs 2.31 crore allegedly belonging to a Mandal Panchayat Officer (MPO) in the Sangareddy district of the State. A case of assets disproportionate to known sources of income was registered against the officer, who had acquired the assets by allegedly indulging in unlawful practices and dubious means during his service and illicitly enriched himself, an ACB release said here on Thursday.
On credible information, searches were conducted at his residence, which revealed that he acquired movable and immovable assets worth Rs 2,31,63,600. Further verification of additional assets is underway, it said. The document value of the properties is Rs 2.31 crore while the market value is likely between Rs 20 crore and Rs 30 crore, an ACB official told reporters adding there are some shares also besides the 'Benami' property. The case is under investigation, the release added