Hyderabad: In a heartwarming display of family tradition and hospitality, a son-in-law from Kakinada was treated to a grand feast with 130 Telangana dishes during his first Sankranti after marriage. The couple, Kantri and Kalpana, who reside in Shardanagar near Saroor Nagar, went all out to make the occasion special.
Their elder daughter had recently married Mallikarjun from Kakinada, and this Sankranti marked his first visit to their home as part of the extended family.
To honour their guest and showcase the culinary wealth of Telangana, Kantri and Kalpana prepared a lavish spread that included a wide range of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, such as pulihora, bagara, and more. This unexpected and thoughtful gesture left Mallikarjun both amazed and grateful, highlighting the importance of hospitality towards a son-in-law in the Indian culture.
In the video, family members are seen busily preparing these delicious dishes, carefully placing them on traditional banana leaves to serve the guests. The son-in-law was served the food with utmost respect and the members of the family joyously offered him different dishes. The women were shown preparing food in the kitchen, adding to the warmth of the celebration.
This unique Sankranti celebration truly underscored the importance of food in bringing families together, reinforcing bonds, and honouring traditions.