Chandigarh: Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi said on Wednesday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi facing a blockade while on his way to the Ferozepur rally did not amount to a 'security lapse'.
"It was a demonstration, it is wrong to equate it with security lapse. It is a democracy, people have a right to protest. They protest. BJP leaders are trying to spoil relations by addressing press meets, but there should be no politics on this", Channi said.
"People demonstrating peacefully are being labelled a threat to the life of the PM. Nothing that happened today could have been termed a security lapse", he further noted.
"We told the PM that the weather is not good, if the tour can be postponed, then postpone it. But he continued his round", the Punjab CM said, adding that Modi was originally supposed to take a helicopter to the venue, but chose to go by road instead, the Punjab CM said.
Channi said that the role of the police had been reduced and security was being taken care of by central agencies such as Intelligence Bureau (IB), as well as the Special Protection Group (SPG).
Also read: PM Modi takes potshots at Punjab CM over cancellation of his rally, CM denies allegation
"If the life of the guest who came to our house was in danger, then I and my cabinet are ready to give their lives for them. The security of the PM is under the supervision of the central agency", he noted.
Expressing his regret, he invited Modi back to Punjab.
"I welcome him to come to Punjab again", Channi said.
Meanwhile, former Punjab Congress President and Congress Campaign Committee chairman Sunil Jakhar tweeted out on Wednesday, addressing the issue.
"What has happened today is just not acceptable. It's against Panjabiyat. A secure passage for the Prime Minister of India to address BJP's political rally in Ferozepur should have been ensured. That’s how democracy works", Jakhar said in his tweet.