Rohtak (Haryana): Police authorities have been trained with modern anti-riot equipment ahead of the Republic Day celebrations around the Sunaria jail complex. All the district and block level officers were given the training to use anti-riot equipment such as rubber bullet, gas guns, tear gas, water cannons and others.
Different methods and techniques of using anti-riot equipment were explained to the police officers, station house officers, and police superintendent who participated in the training session. Skilled professionals who took the session explained the police how to use anti-riot equipment such as rubber bullets, long-short range cells, hand grenades, gas guns, tear gas shells.
The police officers were also briefed about the repair and maintenance of anti-riot equipment and jawans were also told that they should follow code of conduct abiding by law and order.
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Police superintendent Rahul Sharma said the jawans are being trained to handle anti-riot equipment so that they can deal in different emergency situations of law and order breakdown. He said that the officers were trained about modern weapons and different methods to control the riot.
He said, "District police is prepared to gear up with any contingency tomorrow. Instructions have been given to take immediate action against law violators in case of law and order breakdown."