Hyderabad: Blinkit, on Thursday, introduced an ambulance service with Basic Life Support (BLS) facilities in India. Known for delivering products and services to customers in 10 minutes, Blinkit will now offer ambulance services within the same timeframe. The BLS service has been launched with five ambulances in select areas of Gurugram, equipped with vital life-saving equipment such as oxygen cylinders and Automated External Defibrillators (AED).
Blinkit's Ambulance Service: Facilities Inside the Ambulance
Albinder Dhindsa, CEO of Blinkit, announced the launch of the BLS ambulance service through a post on X (formerly known as Twitter). According to Dhindsa, Blinkit aims to address the issue of fast and reliable ambulance services in Indian cities.
Blinkit's ambulances will be equipped with oxygen cylinders, AEDs, stretchers, monitors, suction machines, and all the necessary medical supplies such as emergency medicines and injections. Additionally, each ambulance will have a paramedic, an assistant, and a trained driver to provide primary treatment to the patient.
Expansion Plans
Currently, this service is only available in Gurugram. However, Blinkit's CEO mentioned in the same X post that this service will be expanded to other cities and areas across the country. The company aims to provide BLS ambulance facilities nationwide through the Blinkit app. The CEO also noted that Blinkit's ambulance service is currently in its scaling phase and plans to be available in all major cities within the next two years.
Ambulance in 10 minutes.
— Albinder Dhindsa (@albinder) January 2, 2025
We are taking our first step towards solving the problem of providing quick and reliable ambulance service in our cities. The first five ambulances will be on the road in Gurugram starting today. As we expand the service to more areas, you will start… pic.twitter.com/N8i9KJfq4z
Cost of the Service
The attached screenshot with Dhindsa's post on X lists a cost of Rs 2,000 for the ambulance coming in 8 minutes. However, this could just be a placeholder element. The company has not revealed any details regarding the cost of the BLS ambulance service.
Blinkit has emphasised that the ambulance service is not intended to fulfil the company's financial goals and will be made available to the public at an affordable price. Dhindsa said that Blinkit wants to address the long-standing issue of inadequate ambulance services.