New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Friday said the education revolution brought by the Delhi government has transformed education system and children face no shortage of opportunities now. Inaugurating a new academic block at the Government Senior Secondary School in Jhilmil Colony, Atishi said the importance of the new building becomes evident when one sees the smiles on the faces of the children studying there.
The newly inaugurated block includes 45 rooms, with 25 classrooms and six advanced laboratories equipped with modern tools, including three types of microscopes. These facilities aim to enable students to study subjects like biology more thoroughly and pursue careers in fields such as medicine and engineering, she said.
"The importance of this building becomes evident when you see the smiles on the faces of the children studying here. As we entered the school, we saw students confidently presenting exhibitions, and their enthusiasm reflects how meaningful this new block is for them," Atishi said, speaking at the event.
The chief minister said there was a time when government school students could not attend government schools during the rainy season because classrooms and grounds would get flooded, and facilities like labs, libraries and sports grounds were merely dreams for them. Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Nivas Goel acknowledged the challenges students faced in the past and highlighted the progress achieved with improved infrastructure.
"When I became an MLA in 2014-15, the Class 12 pass percentage in government schools was just 60 per cent. Today, it has improved to 95 per cent. Students have not only excelled academically but also demonstrated innovation through startups, creating and successfully selling projects," Goel said.