New Delhi: Over 1000 terrorists have been killed and 99 have been arrested in the last five years in Jammu and Kashmir, the Union Home Ministry informed the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. The statistics were shared by Minister of State (Home) Nityanand Rai in a written reply.
The data shared by the MoS showed that as many as 1002 terrorists were killed from 2018 to 2022 while the death toll for security personnel during the same time span stood at 306. Rai further stated while 761 terrorists initiated attacks in Jammu and Kashmir in the last five years, 626 encounters took place during the same time.
Rai further stated that as many as 480 counter-terror operations were conducted by the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir from 2018 to 2022. As for the number of village defence groups (VDG) set up in 2022-23 in Jammu and Kashmir, Rai stated no new VGS have been set up in FY 2022-23 adding that existing VDGs are continuing.
He further stated that the sanctioned strength of VDGS stands at 4985 out of which 4153 have been set up. "Ministry of Home Affairs vide its letter dated 02.03.2022 has decided that there will be no more than 15 members in each VDG."
"The members of the Village Defence Group shall be designated as Village Defence Guard (VDG). The persons who shall be heading /Coordinating the VDGs in the 'more vulnerable areas' shall be paid Rs. 4500/per month and the person who are members of the VDGs on a voluntary basis shall be paid a uniform rate of Rs 4000/ per month," he added.
The MoS stated that the CRPF has imparted necessary training to 948 VDG members in collaboration with District Police Rajouri from January 6, 2023, to January 25, 2023.