Idukki: A day after a 15-year old girl, daughter of migrant workers from West Bengal, was allegedly gangraped by four persons in Idukki district of Kerala, police on Monday said it was questioning several persons including those suspected of being involved in the crime. Speaking to reporters, Idukki SP Karuppasamy R said questioning of the suspects and others has revealed some clues and based on that police were moving forward with the investigation.
The officer also said that medical examination of the victim confirmed that she was raped. He further said that the victim's male friend, who was present there at the time of the incident, has also been questioned. The incident had occurred in a tea estate in Idukki's Pooppara village, known for its tea and coffee plantations, where the girl had gone with her friend.
Also read: Six-year-old girl raped in Kerala's Kozhikode district
According to her complaint, as she was talking to her friend, four persons came there and allegedly beat him up and gangraped her. Her friend shouted for help and the locals rushed to their aid, prompting the perpetrators to flee the spot, she had told the police. The incident was reported late Sunday night and an FIR was lodged early Monday morning, police said and added that the investigation in the case was going on. The girl's parents are migrant workers from West Bengal and work at a plantation in Santhanpara village of the district, police said.