Hyderabad: Film director Krish has been summoned on Friday in connection with his alleged involvement in the Radisson Blu drugs case where a BJP leader's son was arrested for allegedly consuming cocaine. Sources said Telangana Police have declared Krish as an 'absconder' after he failed to turn up for interrogations yesterday.
Three persons, including the BJP leader's son Gajjala Vivekanand were nabbed for allegedly consuming cocaine at a 10-member party in Radisson Blu Hotel in Gachibowli on Saturday. Vivekanand was later granted bail. He along with businessmen Birbhay and Kedhar were tested positive for drugs.
The Gachibowli police later arrested Syed Abbas Ali Jafri, who allegedly supplied drugs to Vivekanand on Tuesday. The next day, Vivekanand's driver Praveen was detained. Investigations revealed that Abbas used to hand over the cocaine to Praveen who in turn gave it to Vivekanand. Police found cash transactions between Praveen and Abbas. The others who attended the party including Raghucharan, Sandeep, Neil, Shweta and YouTuber Lishi are on the run.
Investigations have revealed that Krish had also attended the party. According to the police, Krish attended the party but whether he consumed drugs or not has to be checked. He has thus been called so that a medical examination can be conducted to find out whether he too had consumed drugs, police added.
Police said Vivekanand used to come to the hotel on weekends and throw parties for his friends. The hotel has around 200 CCTV cameras but only 20 are working. It has been found that Vivekanand's frequent drug parties were attended by his friends and personalities from the film and business world.
However, collecting information about the attendees is becoming challenging for the police due to non-functioning of the CCTV cameras. An officer said that cameras near room no. 1200 and 1204, where the parties were organised, are not working.
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