Mathura: A seven-year-old boy from Vrindavan has been teaching 14 subjects to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and engineering aspirants since the age of five. This amazing kid is known as 'Google guru' and has got an entry in the India Book of Records for his extraordinary talent.
Guru Upadhyay alias 'Google Guru' is a resident of Gora Nagar Colony of Vrindavan area of Uttar Pradesh's Mathura district. Mahant Nritya Gopal Das, president of Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi Trust and Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi Trust, who presented him the India Book of Record certificate, calls him the youngest lecturer of India. Family members identified Guru's exceptional skills when he was only 17 months old.
Guru's father Arvind Kumar Upadhyay said that the boy has set a new record in the India Book of Records by becoming the first child to help students preparing for UPSC and engineering exams at seven years. He said that Guru teaches 14 subjects online and offline to candidates preparing for engineers and UPSC exams.
"This is a matter of great pride and fortune for us. Mahant Nritya Gopal Das Ji Maharaj of Ayodhya rewarded Guru for his talent. Infact, he has been teaching students since the age of five and is now delivering classes through a YouTube channel," he said.
According to Guru's parents, Guru can easily memorise whatever he hears. When his parents were preparing for UPSC, Guru, who was then 19 months old, would sit next to them and learn everything by hearing their discussions. Even before he could speak fluently he could easily identify flags of 60 countries, names of the capitals of those countries and answer questions related to the UPSC, his father said.
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