Hyderabad: A First Information Report (FIR) has been filed against a drone camera operator who was filming Munawar Faruqui's Bigg Boss 17 celebration party, as per a report. A massive crowd gathered in Dongri to celebrate Munawar's victory. During the celebrations, the stand up comedian also showcased the famous trophy while standing on the sunroof of his car.
According to the same report, Munawar Faruqui's fan, identified as Arbaaz Yusuf Khan (26), was first observed by policeman Nitin Shinde while on patrol with PSI Tausif Mulla. The policemen allegedly contacted the police station after addressing the drone operator, who did not have permission to use the drone during the celebration in Mumbai's Dongri. According to reports, the cops also seized the drone camera.
A case has been filed for breaking the Mumbai Police Commissioner's restrictions on drone operation, which requires prior approval. Previously, the cops had put a ban on flying objects, including drone cameras, to ensure public safety. The only exceptions are for aerial surveillance by cops or with explicit permission provided in writing by the deputy commissioner of police.
For the unversed, comedian Munawar Faruqui was celebrating his big win in Bigg Boss 17. He was greeted enthusiastically by thousands of his supporters at Dongri in Mumbai. In a video psoted by him, he can be seen opening his car's sunroof and standing there. A swarm of people gathered around his car. He revealed his Bigg Boss trophy and was seen lifting it.
The reality show winner also motioned for everyone to applaud for him. His supporters yelled, attempted to shake his hand, took pictures, and greeted him. Munawar greeted them with folded hands and expressed gratitude for their support.
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