New Delhi: The Indian Railways has launched safety inspections of points, interlocking and crossings with critical analysis across the country. According to a railway’s letter, a copy of which was accessed by ETV Bharat, the Railway Board has asked all the railway zones to launch a safety drive with special emphasis on the inspection of points and crossings critical analysis.
The drive focuses on critically analysing derailment cases over points from the past three years, along with related communications. Officials are assessing the condition of switches, packing, and the point's behaviour under wheels to determine if frequent maintenance is needed. They are ensuring zero missing fittings, timely tamping and evaluating data logger reports to track point performance under wheels for further critical analysis.
The Board has asked all points and crossings to be covered under safety check and officials concerned will be involved in the drive. Not only this, action will be taken on all deficiencies and irregularities noticed during the check. Responding to the safety drive issue, Alok Chandra Prakash, general secretary, of the Indian Railways Signal and Telecom Maintainers’ Union, told ETV Bharat, “We welcome this move of safety drive, which increases the safety of important signals and telecommunication.” Demanding regular safety checks, Alok Chandra Prakash said, “This type of safety drive should be initiated regularly, which will help to enhance safety for trains as well as passengers."
Talking about the safety of railways and passengers, a passenger Shrikant Sharma told ETV Bharat, “It is a good step for the railways, it will provide a safe and secure journey to us. I appreciate this initiative.” Echoing similar sentiments, another traveller, Manisha Kumari told ETV Bharat, “The safety checking drive is need of the hour these days as we have heard of several incidents in the past several months. This drive, of course, will boost passengers’ confidence in railways safety and help to provide a safe journey to us.”
Read more: Railways Asks Officials To Intensify Track Patrolling, Be Vigilant In Ensuring Safety