Korba (Chhattisgarh): In a horrific murder incident reminiscent of the 2022 Shraddha Walker murder case, the body of a man hailing from Jharkhand capital Ranchi working in Saudi Arabia was found chopped into 17 pieces at a village in Korba district of Chhattisgarh on Wednesday with the family having no clue about his return.
Korba SP Siddharth Tiwari said that the body was found at around 9:30 AM on Wednesday by the locals at Bandhapara village under Chaitma police station limits of Korba. Horrified by the chopped body, the locals soon informed the police after which a team of police from the nearby police station rushed to the spot, he said. The team found that body cut into 17 pieces with head, torso and hands and feet found in different sacks and school bags, added the SP.
The SP Korba said that during further examination of the spot, the police found a passport near the body based on which the slain was identified as Ranchi resident Mohammad Wasim Ansari (28 years). Based on the passport identification, Korba police called the family members over the phone to identify the body. To the utter shock of the investigators and the family alike, the latter had no clue about Ansari's return back home from Saudi where he has been working for the last two and half years, said SP Korba.