Ramnagar: A Ramnagar bus met with an accident after the bus driver's health condition deteriorated while driving, lost control of the bus steering, hit a tree, and stopped in a pit, officials said. The accident took place in the Nainital district here on Monday at around 11 am, in which the bus driver, including a passenger, was injured, officials added.
Soon after receiving the information, the police team, along with the Transport Corporation, officials reached the spot for the rescue operation. The police said that a bus carrying 38 passengers from the Ramnagar depot of the Uttarakhand Transport Corporation left for Gurgaon via Delhi at around 11 am.
Subsequently, the bus driver, Shahid, a resident of Moradabad, lost control of the bus steering near Haldua ahead of Pirumdara after his health deteriorated, the police added.