Pilibhit: Former state secretary of Samajwadi Party (SP) obtained two arms licenses by faking his address and putting up forged records. When the case was exposed, on the orders of the Superintendent of Police (SP), the Inspector posted at Gajraula police station lodged a report launched a probe. The accused Satnam Singh alias Satta has been sent to jail.
In a report lodged by Sub InspectorMohammad Arif on the orders of SP Avinash Pandey at the Gajraula PS, it was said that on May 10, constable Praveen Kumar had registered a beat information which was further subjected to investigation following which it came to light that Satta, a resident of the Pourkhas village possessed two arms licenses- One license is for DB BL gun 12 bore and the other revolver/pistol 32 bore.