Shimla: As per the alert issued by the Meteorological Department in Himachal Pradesh, the hill state received fresh rain and snowfall in the high altitude areas disrupting normal life due to closure of 350 roads including four national highways, sources said.
It has been snowing at the upper reaches and raining in plains in the state since the night of Friday, March 1. Heavy snowfall was recorded in the upper areas of Kinnaur, Lahaul Spiti, Chamba and Kullu. In the capital Shimla, it has been raining heavily since late last night.
Met Issues Red Alert
Due to heavy rain and snowfall, the temperature in the state has also dropped drastically. The entire Himachal is in the grip of cold wave. Amid the rain and snow, a red alert has been issued by the Meteorological Department regarding rain and snowfall across the state.
Due to snowfall in the state, traffic has come to a standstill in many parts of the state causing inconvenience to the commuters. Meteorological Department Director Surendra Pal said that due to western disturbance being active in Himachal, it has been raining and snowfall in many parts since last night.
350 Roads Closed
Due to snowfall and rain in Himachal Pradesh, 350 roads including four national highways have been closed by the authorities. Roads have been blocked at eight places in district Bilaspur, one in district Kangra, 32 in district Kinnaur, 7 in district Kullu, 290 in district Lahaul Spiti, 2 each in district Mandi and district Shimla.
Apart from this, National Highway 505 and National Highway 003 have also been closed in district Lahaul Spiti. According to the State Emergency Center, NH-1 in Kinnaur and NH-305 in district Kullu are also closed. Rohtang Pass has also been closed for traffic due to heavy snowfall.
- Read more: Normal Life Hit as Himachal Pradesh Receives Fresh Spell of Rains and Snowfall
- Tough Time for Commuters as Himachal Pradesh Snowfall Blocks Over 700 Roads