Hyderabad: A social media user, who shares the same name as playback singer Sonu Nigam, has come forward to clarify that he is not impersonating the singer. This comes a day after Sonu Nigam claimed that someone was misrepresenting him on the platform by sharing a controversial political post about the BJP's loss in the Faizabad (Ayodhya) constituency.
A couple of days ago, several media outlets had reported that the singer was behind the post, which sparked outrage among some users on the platform. The post in question was highly critical of the people of Ayodhya, labelling them as "shameless" following the BJP's defeat in the constituency where the Ram Mandir is located.
However, in a recent interview with a news portal, Sonu Nigam categorically denied being on the platform and stated that he refrained from making sensational political remarks. He expressed concern over people mistaking the X user for him, calling it "alarming," and hinted that he would take action against the user.
In response, the X user took to the platform on Thursday to address the allegations made against him by the singer. In a lengthy post, he clarified that his real name is indeed Sonu Nigam, as given by his parents and reflected in official records. He emphasised that he had no intention of impersonating the renowned singer and that any resemblance to his name was purely coincidental.
The user wrote, "Moreover, a mere prima facie visit to my profile on X (formerly Twitter) would reveal that I do not claim nor misrepresent or impersonate Sonu Nigam - the singer. The profile clearly reads as 'Sonu Nigam | @SonuNigamSingh यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः। Criminal Lawyer - Bihar, Bharat.' The same should suffice to clearly infer that the said handle does not belong to Sonu Nigam - the singer who by no stretch of imagination is remotely a 'Criminal Lawyer' hailing from Bihar."
The user went on to say that the lack of due diligence on the part of certain media outlets should not be misconstrued as impersonation. He pointed out that he has clearly mentioned his details on his profile, which is accessible to the public, and therefore, he cannot be held responsible for the confusion. The user urged Sonu Nigam and his team to reconsider their stance and understand that the issue at hand is a matter of coincidence and media negligence, rather than impersonation. He expressed his willingness to cooperate in resolving the confusion amicably.