Hyderabad: Two days after Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was discharged from Lilavati Hospital, the Mumbai Crime Branch recorded his statement in the knife assault case. The actor narrated the entire sequence of events that took place on the night of January 16 to the police. For the unversed, Saif was attacked by an intruder in the wee hours of Thursday, sustaining six wounds of knife injury on his back.
The actor's statement reveals a harrowing account of how he saved his son Jehangir from the attacker, but was stabbed multiple times in the process. According to Saif's statement, he and his wife Kareena Kapoor Khan were sleeping in their bedroom when they heard the screams of their youngest son Jehangir Ali Khan's caretaker Eliama Philip. Rushing to Jehangir's room, Saif found the accused preparing to attack his son and the caretaker.
A tussle followed, during which the accused attacked Saif with a knife, stabbing him in the back, neck, and hand. Despite his injuries, the Agent Vinod actor managed to push the intruder away, locking him in Jehangir's room. He then called out to the other employees of the house, and all fled to the 12th floor along with Jahangir. However, when the staff members returned to Jahangir's room, they found that the accused had escaped.
Saif's statement provides a chilling account of the events that transpired that night. The police have arrested the prime accused Mohammad Shehzad in the matter and further investigation is underway.
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