Mumbai: The police custody of Shehzad Mohammad, the prime accused in Saif Ali Khan's stabbing case, was extended by a Mumbai court on Friday. The police produced the accused, Shareeful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir (30), before a magistrate's court in Bandra at the end of his previous remand, seeking custody for seven more days from the court till January 29. The officials argued further investigation into some crucial aspects of the case was still pending.
Till now, the clothes used by the accused when the crime was committed and the items used in the crime have been seized. However, the shoes used in the crime have not been found, and the hunt is on. Moreover, the CCTV footage and the face of the accused also need to be matched to ascertain the claims made so far.
Khan's attacker was arrested on Saturday from Thane city. He is a Bangladeshi who changed his name to Vijay Das after illegally entering India last year, police earlier said. Shehzad had barged into the actor's house on the 11th floor in upscale Bandra in the early hours of Thursday (January 16). Saif had a physical altercation with the intruder in order to save his son Jehangir.
The scuffle ended in Saif sustaining six wounds from a knife attack on his back, neck and left hand. Following the unfortunate encounter, Khan was rushed to Lilavati hospital, where he underwent two surgeries and was released after 4 days in hospital.
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