Mumbai:Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was left injured after a scuffle with an intruder at his Mumbai home on Thursday early morning. The actor was rushed to Lilavati hospital, where he is currently undergoing treatment. Saif is reportedly out of danger as he suffered knife injuries on his back in the encounter. Police have initiated an investigation and CCTV footage is being scanned to identify the suspect.
Saif Ali Khan Stabbed By Robber
The robbery attempt occurred in the wee hours when an intruder entered Saif's house. The domestic staff of the actor heard noises within the house and was alerted. The actor was asleep in his bedroom and woke up when his servants shouted at the intruder. Saif came out and had a tussle with the intruder. In the course of the struggle, the attacker pulled out a knife and stabbed Khan, leaving him injured.
Actor Undergoes Surgery
Following the knife attack, Saif's employees ran to get him medical attention, and the intruder took advantage of the situation to escape. Khan has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital for further treatment where he underwent surgery. The actor's condition is stable. The Bandra police are currently investigating the case.
Saif Was Stabbed Six Times
The actor had 'six stabs' out of which 'two are deep', said the doctor from Lilavati Hospital to a newswire. Dr. Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, said that Saif was stabbed by an unidentified person at his Bandra home and was brought in at 3:30 am. Uttamani said that Saif has six stabs and two are deep. "This one is close to the spine. He is being operated upon by a team of doctors led by Neurosurgeon Dr Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Dr Leena Jain anaesthetiologist Dr Nisha Gandhi,” said Uttamani.