Hyderabad:In celebration of the Pran Pratishtha ceremony of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, the entire nation is currently immersed in a festive mood. Today, several Bollywood celebrities, who were honoured to receive invitations for this historic occasion, have embarked on their journey to Ayodhya. Among them, actor-couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor attended the event, elegantly dressed in traditional attire. Interestingly, fans were quick to notice a captivating detail - Alia's saree is embellished with motifs that depict scenes from the Ramayana.
Excitement surged through the internet on Monday as images of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor surfaced on social media platforms. Their traditional outfits immediately enthralled fans. While Ranbir opted for a dhoti-kurta and a shawl, Alia gracefully adorned herself with a striking turquoise saree along with a blue shawl. Sharp-eyed fans quickly noticed the fascinating details of Alia's ensemble - intricate motifs that portrayed scenes from the Ramayana. This artistic touch undoubtedly added cultural richness and thoughtfulness to her attire.
Taking to X, a fan tweeted, "Alia Bhatt is wearing a saree that has the entire Ramayan depicted on it through motifs." Another fan noted the depiction of Hanuman ji, Ram Setu, and Lord Ram on the saree, and wrote, "Depiction of Hanuman ji, Ram Setu and lord Ram."