Chennai: The Madras High Court on Thursday upheld the verdict of the Special Court, which had sentenced Anand and his son Ashok Anand, a former Puducherry MLA to one year imprisonment in a disproportionate asset case.
Judge P.Velmurugan gave the verdict. After examining the evidence related to the case, the Judge said that the CBI has proved the allegations against the two accused beyond doubt and confirmed the sentence imposed on both of them.
"Safeguard clauses provided in the Act cannot be invoked without availing sufficient time given to both parties to give due explanation regarding the case. The appeals of the two accused have been dismissed," the judge mentioned in his verdict.
The CBI has filed a case against Anand, who worked as a supervising engineer in the Puducherry State Public Works Department and amassed assets to the tune of Rs 3.75 lakh in excess of his income between 1997 and 2006.
Anand's wife and son Ashok Anand also were accused in the case. Puducherry Special Court heard the case against them. Anand's wife died while the case was pending. That's why the case against her was dropped.
In 2018, the Puducherry court heard the case against Ashok Anand and Anand and sentenced them to one year in prison and slapped a fine of one lakh rupees each. It also ordered the confiscation of assets added in excess of income.
Anand and Ashok Anand had moved the Madras High Court against the Special Court's verdict.