Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan's stabbing incident has left the film industry and fans in shock. The actor was stabbed at his residence in Mumbai's upscale Bandra West locality early Thursday morning. According to police sources, the attacker, who was attempting to rob the actor's multi-level apartment, demanded a ransom of Rs 1 crore.
The horrifying incident unfolded in the wee hours when the intruder, caught on CCTV moving through the building's stairwell, broke into the actor's home. Dressed in a t-shirt, jeans, and an orange scarf, the assailant turned violent after the ransom demand went unmet. Saif Ali Khan sustained six stab wounds, including injuries to his neck, and hand, and a particularly severe wound close to his spine. Reportedly, two other members of the household were also injured in the attack.
VIDEO | Attack on Saif Ali Khan: CCTV footage shows the alleged attacker fleeing the building through staircase.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) January 16, 2025
(Source: Third Party)#SaifAliKhanInjured pic.twitter.com/VHpAenxFdu
The actor's elder son Ibrahim rushed to get his father to Lilavati Hospital. They could not take their vehicle due to delays. However, Ibrahim came across an auto-rickshaw and took his father to the hospital. His family, including his wife, actor Kareena Kapoor Khan, was already waiting for them at the hospital to accompany Saif throughout the ordeal.
As stated, doctors have confirmed that Saif Ali Khan is currently stable after having undergone emergency surgery. "The actor is out of danger; the surgery has gone well. The injuries were deep but the doctors managed it," the hospital team stated. Regarding details about Saif's surgery, there was a major injury on the thoracic spine with a knife lodged in the back, and they also mentioned two deep wounds - one on the neck and another on the hand.
Saif will continue to be under observation in the ICU until tomorrow morning and could be discharged within two to three days. The police have begun investigating in search of the assailant responsible for this brazen act, which has horrified the city.