Hyderabad:In the wake of a deadly Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) attack in Chhattisgarh that claimed the lives of eight CRPF jawans, Governor Ramen Deka said that Naxalism will be eradicated from Chhattisgarh by 2026. Speaking exclusively with ETV Bharat on Tuesday from Chhattisgarh, Deka reaffirmed the government's commitment to tackling the Naxal threat and ending the violence that has plagued the region for years.
"This is nothing but cowardice," Deka remarked, strongly condemning the recent attack. "India has never compromised with terrorism and violence. The Central government has already announced that Naxalism will be completely eradicated from Chhattisgarh," said Deka, who hails from Assam. His statement underscored the government’s resolve to tackle insurgency head-on, as the battle against Naxalism remains a significant challenge in several states in the country.