Chandigarh: In a major boost to the BJP ahead of the Supreme Court hearing into alleged irregularities in the Chandigarh mayoral polls, three AAP councilors have joined the saffron party even as Mayor Manoj Sonkar has resigned from his post. BJP leader Arun Sood said three AAP councillors -Neha, Poonam and Gurcharan Kala -joined the BJP in the presence of senior party leader Vinod Tawde on Sunday Feb 18.
BJP national general secretary Vinod Tawde welcomed the three councilors along with former state president Arun Sood. On the occasion, Vinod Tawde said that all the three councilors will get “full respect in BJP and will be given important responsibilities”.
'BJP has absolute majority': Chandigarh BJP's former state president Arun Sood said, "BJP has absolute majority” in the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation. “The mayor of Chandigarh will remain with the BJP. Due to public welfare policies, BJP will continue to grow in Chandigarh," he said.
'Aam Aadmi Party failed in its policies': After joining the BJP, Neha Musawat made serious allegations against the Aam Aadmi Party. Musawat said, "Aam Aadmi Party has failed in its policies. We decided to join BJP after being influenced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's policies”. Aam Aadmi Party councilor Poonam Devi said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the messiah of the poor and Dalits. He has done a lot of development work for every section of the society. We are very happy to join the BJP”.