मुंबई : बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस सेलिना जेटली ने एक सोशल मीडिया पर ट्रोल करने वाले यूजर को करारा जवाब दिया है. दरअसल, यूजर ने दावा किया था कि वह पिता (फिरोज खान) और बेटे (फरदीन खान) दोनों के साथ सोई थी. बता दें, सेलिना ने 2003 में दिवंगत अभिनेता-फिल्म निर्माता फिरोज खान की फरदीन खान अभिनीत 'जानशीन' से हिंदी सिनेमा में कदम रखा था. उमैर संधू नाम के यूजर ने अपनी पोस्ट में लिखा, सेलिना जेटली बॉलीवुड की एकलौती ऐसी एक्ट्रेस हैं, जो पिता (फिरोज खान) और बेटे (फरदीन खान) के साथ सो चुकी हैं. यूजर अक्सर बॉलीवुड सेलिब्रेटीज को लेकर विवादित ट्वीट करता रहता है.
Dear so called film critic Mr Sandhu you 1stly need to stop calling my magazine cover with @TusshKapoor a film!
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) April 12, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
You are Pakistani but show fake locations just to be associated with our industry.
FYI today 1.6M ppl stood by me against ur harassment that is the power of MY FILMS 🇮🇳 https://t.co/MytSaoyB9D
">Dear so called film critic Mr Sandhu you 1stly need to stop calling my magazine cover with @TusshKapoor a film!
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) April 12, 2023
You are Pakistani but show fake locations just to be associated with our industry.
FYI today 1.6M ppl stood by me against ur harassment that is the power of MY FILMS 🇮🇳 https://t.co/MytSaoyB9DDear so called film critic Mr Sandhu you 1stly need to stop calling my magazine cover with @TusshKapoor a film!
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) April 12, 2023
You are Pakistani but show fake locations just to be associated with our industry.
FYI today 1.6M ppl stood by me against ur harassment that is the power of MY FILMS 🇮🇳 https://t.co/MytSaoyB9D
Dear Mr Sandhu hope posting this gave you the much needed girth & length to become a man & some hope to cure you of your erectile dysfunction. There are others ways to fix your problem..like going to a doctor, you must try it sometime! #celinajaitly @TwitterSafety pls take action https://t.co/VAZJFBS3Da
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) April 11, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
">Dear Mr Sandhu hope posting this gave you the much needed girth & length to become a man & some hope to cure you of your erectile dysfunction. There are others ways to fix your problem..like going to a doctor, you must try it sometime! #celinajaitly @TwitterSafety pls take action https://t.co/VAZJFBS3Da
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) April 11, 2023Dear Mr Sandhu hope posting this gave you the much needed girth & length to become a man & some hope to cure you of your erectile dysfunction. There are others ways to fix your problem..like going to a doctor, you must try it sometime! #celinajaitly @TwitterSafety pls take action https://t.co/VAZJFBS3Da
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) April 11, 2023
ये भी पढ़ें-होमोफोबिया अभी भी हमारी सांस्कृतिक बनावट का हिस्सा है : सेलिना जेटली