Jalpaiguri: A mentally unstable man on Saturday injured nine people after stabbing them with a knife in West Bengal's Jalpaiguri, police said. The incident took place in Sajnapara area of Sankojajhra in Banerhat block. Locals said that the accused, who is mentally unstable, appeared on the spot wielding a knife and started stabbing the villagers at around 7 am in the morning.
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Besides the villagers, the accused also injured the villagers' livestock, the locals said. Locals informed the Dhupguri police and got the accused arrested. The injured were taken to Dhupguri Rural Hospital for treatment. Two women and three men seriously injured in the attack have been shifted to Jalpaiguri Hospital for specialized treatment.
The police have also taken the accused to Dhupguri Grameen Hospital where he is currently being treated for the mental disorder.