Mumbai: Television actor Aman Jaiswal, 23, died in an accident after a truck rammed into his motorcycle on Jogeshwari Road in Mumbai on Friday afternoon. He was most famously known for playing the lead role in TV serial Dhartiputra Nandini. According to an official from Amboli police station, Jaiswal was rushed quickly to Cama Hospital, where he later died from his injuries. A case of rash and negligent driving has been filed against the truck driver, and the investigation is underway.
The incident happened near Hill Park Road around 3:15 pm. Police officials said the truck ran over Jaiswal who was cycling in the road. He was sent to Cama Hospital's trauma ward where doctors pronounced him dead on arrival. The truck, as well as the truck driver, is into police custody now and Amboli police station has been handed this case, told Mumbai police to a newswire.
Dhiraj Mishra, the writer of Dhartiputra Nandini, told a webloid that Aman was moving to an audition at the time the accident occurred on the Jogeshwari highway.
A pinned post from August 2023 on Aman Jaiswal's Instagram handle hints that his decision to become an actor was opposed by his family. However, he moved to Mumbai to pursue his dreams. The post which is now garnering the attention of social media users, is flooded with condolences. "Four years ago, a young boy from a small town had a dream of becoming a hero, but he lacked direction. Despite facing opposition from his family, he took a brave step and moved to the city to pursue his dream. Along the way, he encountered numerous failures and hardships, but he persevered with unwavering determination and relentless hard work. Today, his efforts have paid off, and he has achieved his dream of becoming a hero..The journey continues, and there are undoubtedly more great things yet to come for him. And you know what that guy is me.. finally i did it…"
Jaiswal, who hails from Balia, Uttar Pradesh, is known for his lead role in Dhartiputra Nandini. He was a model before entering the acting world and also featured in the popular show Udaariyaan, which was produced by Ravi Dubey and Sargun Mehta. He also played Yashwant Rao Phanse in the Sony TV series Punyashlok Ahilyabai, which ran from January 2021 to October 2023. (With agency inputs)
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