Dehradun: Authorities sealed 61 spas for allegedly violating norms in Dehradun on Wednesday, officials said. As per the officials, the spas which had mushroomed across Dehradun were sealed following raids by the local police. Divulging further details over the police action, Dehradun SSP Dalip Singh Kunwar said that the police conducted checking operations at 61 spa and massage centres.
He also said that the spas are located at Kotwali Dalanwala, Nehru Colony, Vasant Vihar, Rajpur, Thana Cantt, Kotwali Nagar, Patel Nagar and Thana Raipur. While the spas were sealed for violating norms, a fine of Rs 2.70 lakh has been imposed on 32 spa centres under the relevant sections of law, the SSP said.
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He also said that some of the spas were found to be lacking the mandatory CCTV cameras while the records were missing at others. He said that the crackdown on illegally operated spas and massage centres will continue in the district in the coming days. “If any kind of irregularity is found, strict action will be implemented against such centres,” the SSP said.
Kunwar said that there were constant complaints about spa centres and massage parlours violating norms in their operations. In view of the complaints, all the station in-charges and station heads were instructed to conduct surprise checking at the spa centres running in their respective areas, the SSP said.
As per norms, the spa centres are required to install CCTV cameras and keep a record of the customers. Besides, the therapists should be professionals having diplomas or degrees in the field. Therapists found to be in possession of fake certificates can be punished for the offence.