Jaunpur: A young woman was allegedly gang-raped and killed by her boyfriend's friends a few days ago under the limits of Baksha Police Station limits in Uttar Pradesh's Jaunpur district. The Baksha police arrested the four accused on Wednesday and recovered the knife that was used to kill the victim from their possession.
On July 23, the victim's father lodged a missing complaint of his daughter with the Baksha Police Station. Later, on July 28, the police received information about the victim's body being found in an old well in the village. The police reached the spot, retrieved the body from the well and shifted it for post-mortem and started investigating the matter.
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Meanwhile, on August 2, the victim's father lodged a complaint against the four youths for murdering his daughter. After this, the police arrested the four accused from Dhaniya Mau Highway. The accused confessed to committing the crime during the interrogation. At present, all the accused have been sent to jail.