Bengaluru: All India Congress Committee (AICC) president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday issued a stern warning to Karnataka ministers and MLAs to “shut their mouth and discharge duties assigned to them."
His strong remarks came in the wake of a public spat between factions led by CM Siddaramaiah and his deputy DK Shivakumar over leadership change. The Siddaramaiah camp has been demanding the appointment of a full-time State Congress chief, arguing that the incumbent Shivakumar is unable to devote time to party and organisational work due to multiple posts being held by him.
"The high command knows what decision has to be taken and when. You need not have to worry about that. You all should shut your mouth and discharge duties assigned to you," Kharge told a regional television channel without taking any names.
Further, he said Rahul Gandhi and him would take a decision if at all some decisions needed to be taken. "I am there... Rahul Gandhi is there. We have a target... We know what to do and when,” he added.
Urging ministers to focus on development work for public welfare, Kharge dismissed the need for public statements. “Hundreds of people talk about hundred things and I cannot reply to all of them,” he said, signalling his intent to enforce discipline within the party.